Woolworths is set to sell the Xbox 360 Arcade model for £130 this coming Christmas according to leaked scans from its Xmas 08 catalogue.

The image you see right here was sent to Engadget from "a supposed Woolworth's employee".

TechRadar has spoken with a number of retail sources in the UK that have verified that the price cut is imminent 'across the board'.

Bloody price war

The news follows reports earlier this week that Morrisons is starting a 'bloody price war' in the games division, according to respected trade organ MCV.

TechRadar has polled a number of other major game retailers in the UK including HMV, Play.com, Tesco, Blockbuster, GAME, Gamestation and more, so stay tuned for updates.

"It's great news for both casual and hardcore gamers alike," says Rob Taylor, deputy editor of Xbox 360 World magazine.

"With the largest library of games on any next-gen console and killer exclusives like Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Fable 2 imminent, this price slash has certainly thrown down the gauntlet to Wii and PS3 this Christmas."

Xbox 360. Almost as cheap as ACTUAL CHIPS this Christmas…