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Forums - Gaming Discussion - LBP - What levels would you like to create?

wot about a level where you go bouncing from a small boob to a larger boob and in the end you bounce of a very very large boob into a cleavage to complete the level. The final jump into the cleavage will require perfect precision! Now there is an idea!!! Where is the boob leader gone? We should put him in charge of creating this level :s

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One thing is for sure: the most levels you guys will see, WILL be Nintendo themed ones, specially the first level of Super Mario Bros.

I can bet on that.

^^ True^^ they did say it is possible to re-create every single Mario level. Can't wait! If you have noticed from some trailers and in game footage, the enemies are defeated the same was as in Mario where you jump on them.

Would like too also see a Wonder Boy or Alex the Kid Level. Or maybe an under water swimming one similar to Ecco the Dolphin. Then we can really test the physics engine of LBP!

It would be nice if they could include weather too. It would be nice too see Sackboy get drenched or covered on snow.

The Super Mario Bros Lost Levels.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I will be making a level designed around star trek, complete with spaceships, phasers, and hot african american communication officers

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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KylieDog said:
Fei-Hung said:
KylieDog said:

How do I put custom images into the game? I see some levels in a video with posters of other PS3 games.

Are these images pre-loaded on the game?

I read something about the playstation EYE and LBP to take images, is this the only way? Can I not download a .jpg or some image file from the net, transfer it to my PS3s harddrive and use if for a level that way?

I'm not gonna buy an PS EYE just for LBP.


There are pre-loaded ones and DLC ones but the rest will be from playstation eye. Unfortunately, they won't allow Jpegs or gifs, but only PS eye foto's.

However, i might pick up a PSeye next year when they start releasing the 1:1 motion games for the PS3 and the Eyepet and Eyedetify and new EYETOY play games. It will be worth the purchase by then.


Wow, what a creativity killer.


Screw Sony then, one less LBP sold.    I damn well hate it when companies try to force you to buy something you don't want, just to make use of something you do.


But then the same can be said about the MS HDD and the Wii peripherals. And it is not as if the game won't have enough content in it already. Considering a lot of other companies are endorsing the game. E.g Disney will be offering content for LBP and several other IP's and Dev's will be offering Content too. 

Also, as you know, where there is a will, there is a way. It won't be long before someone figures out how to import pics from a pc onto ur PS3 for LBP. Unlike the 360 and Wii, there is no way around other then buying those peripherals. 

Considering the possibilities, your comment is very biased.

Nope, other then the Eyetoy there is no other camera. I just pray they allow us to use any camera. I would like to take pics on my cameraphone of local landmarks and incorporate them into the game. i know what you mean. We are very limited to what we can and cannot take pics off if it is eyetoy only pics.

Fei-Hung said:
Nope, other then the Eyetoy there is no other camera. I just pray they allow us to use any camera. I would like to take pics on my cameraphone of local landmarks and incorporate them into the game. i know what you mean. We are very limited to what we can and cannot take pics off if it is eyetoy only pics.


you can but of course you have to save them in the hdd by mass storage first

same as home.

i think ps3 eye is more direct.


i will make a kh level: the world that never was entrance.


tell her to buy PS3 with LBP and create her own levels of RES Evil, MAss Effect, Bioshock, fable and any other games she likes :D

^^ to Starcraft... but posted it on wrong thread :S oops :s