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Forums - Gaming Discussion - LBP - What levels would you like to create?

As great as LBP may be as a game, I am more excited about its level design feature. The potential and endless possibilities of stages that can be created is just phenomenal.

What I would like to see created:

1) A Microsoft themed level where you fight 360's and face off with Bill Gates at the end.

2) A level with a greatest Ever theme - where sections are for mario, zelda, sonic and other great games.

3) A level designed to be in the Playboy Mansion and maybe have a Hugh Hefner outfit for Sackboy :p

What creative additions would you like to make? 

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Fei-Hung said:

As great as LBP may be as a game, I am more excited about its level design feature. The potential and endless possibilities of stages that can be created is just phenomenal.

What I would like to see created:

1) A Microsoft themed level where you fight 360's and face off with Bill Gates at the end.

2) A level with a greatest Ever theme - where sections are for mario, zelda, sonic and other great games.

3) A level designed to be in the Playboy Mansion and maybe have a Hugh Hefner outfit for Sackboy :p

What creative additions would you like to make?


Personally, I'll try a Metal Gear Level.


how about this:


sry about my comment


ahcheng said:
LBP is just a kids game


 Your starting to cross the line into blatant trolling now. Be careful

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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or this?


ahcheng said:
LBP is just a kids game


coming from an Xbot who possibly lacks creative flair to understand the possibilities the game has. Such a shame and waste of space on this thread. It's okay, us gamers feel your pain!

Your apology is appreciated and accepted!

Don't you just love the creative freedom Sony and MM2 are giving to their users?



Right now.. I'd say like a tower defense.. If that's possible... XD

I would create a level where you would have to get by giant cocks that had two deadly swinging balls of death.