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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 120GB HDD now $149.99

Fei-Hung said:
In all due fairness, for 360 owners it is cheap considering they were made to fork out money at every mistake MS made; RROD and HD Drive addition.

Considering they have dropped the price, the HDD is not cheap but it is cheaper. Not to say they can't make it cheaper or better, but they won't after all, MS is more about making profits then any other console this gen. After all, it is what MS is known for and does best, with or without Bill the Gates.

I am happy for the Xbox users on the price drop, after all we are all gamers and we do deserve value for ouor money. Now lets pray they drop the LIVE fee next and WIFI price and lets hope Sony start making a profit so they can drop the PS3 by another £50 :D

Um, I really don't know about that... I mean, have you forgotten Nintendo is here?  The DS hasn't seen a price cut in like, 3 years?  For the Wii it's approaching 2 years.  Nintendo hasn't been reducing the price of their games, either.

Microsoft just dropped the price on the 360 in America too, by quite a bit.  I think they're fine with more or less just breaking even, as long as they aren't pissing off their shareholders.

Around the Network

I'm sure the Wii has received a price cut? Or am at an isolated area of the EU

They're selling for £159.99 instead of £179.99 now (at least on the Isle of Man!)

c0rd said:
Fei-Hung said:
In all due fairness, for 360 owners it is cheap considering they were made to fork out money at every mistake MS made; RROD and HD Drive addition.

Considering they have dropped the price, the HDD is not cheap but it is cheaper. Not to say they can't make it cheaper or better, but they won't after all, MS is more about making profits then any other console this gen. After all, it is what MS is known for and does best, with or without Bill the Gates.

I am happy for the Xbox users on the price drop, after all we are all gamers and we do deserve value for ouor money. Now lets pray they drop the LIVE fee next and WIFI price and lets hope Sony start making a profit so they can drop the PS3 by another £50 :D

Um, I really don't know about that... I mean, have you forgotten Nintendo is here?  The DS hasn't seen a price cut in like, 3 years?  For the Wii it's approaching 2 years.  Nintendo hasn't been reducing the price of their games, either.

Microsoft just dropped the price on the 360 in America too, by quite a bit.  I think they're fine with more or less just breaking even, as long as they aren't pissing off their shareholders.

That is b/c Wii and DS make an immediate profit.  Why turn your gains into losses?


Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!


PS3 manual tells you how to change the HDD.PS3 comes with WiFi and not sure what you mean by intercooler as my PS3 has been on for 10 months and never had an issue.
It's pretty ironic to see a MS Fan Boy trying to bash the PS3 on accessories price and reliability.Before doing that, look at your 360.....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

This is a fantastic price.  I just ordered 5x 1.5TB drives and they were each about the same price.

Oh, wait, this is only 120GB and not 1.2TB?  That's a huge rip off.

Around the Network
xman said:
Nice start but it should be $99.00 MAX


 Yeah, 99$ would be ideal.

Even though it's $150, it's still really expensive.

It went from $179 "HOLY SHIT, That's so gay and really expensive!"

to $149 "Damn, that's still pretty expensive"


the HDD of the 360 can have as many price cuts as it can. the 20 gb was like 99$, i can by a 250GB HDD for that amount, even less, and the 120GB at 150 is still a rip off, a 500GB HDD is comig out soon for 200, and microsoft expects its customers to buy more just cos its 30 bucks cheaper and it clips on ooooh, intriguing. i might just be realed in to buy one and then get a text of bill gates saying, haha looser, but thanks, im 150 richer.


PS3 Trophies

DS: 120,000,000; Wii: 60,000,000; Xbox 360: 38,000,000; PlayStation 3: 34,000,000; PlayStation Portable: 60,000,000

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Ail said:
Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!


PS3 manual tells you how to change the HDD.PS3 comes with WiFi and not sure what you mean by intercooler as my PS3 has been on for 10 months and never had an issue.
It's pretty ironic to see a MS Fan Boy trying to bash the PS3 on accessories price and reliability.Before doing that, look at your 360.....

My Xbox 360 is fine! It sits next to my heater. Actually my PS3 overheated so whilst I was making a joke, it was actually true in my case. Also the Wireless signal is poor and I did have my PS3 plugged into a spare wireless bridge I had so I could stream movies.

I think you take things a little too seriously young man!



BottledSpringWater said:
xman said:
Nice start but it should be $99.00 MAX


 Yeah, 99$ would be ideal.

Even though it's $150, it's still really expensive.

It went from $179 "HOLY SHIT, That's so gay and really expensive!"

to $149 "Damn, that's still pretty expensive"


My thoughts exactly I read online it costs MS $100.00 to make package, market and ship it which means they are making $50.00 pm each one lets drop this puppy to $125.00

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

On overpriced accessories.


Memory Card: $25 -8mb flash (Essential!)

Not included with system

Typical Flash prices - $5 on Newegg GB+


DS3 $55 - The price of a game to get functionality that should have been in the box on day 1.

Official HDMI cables - $70

Official Component cables $25

No HD cables included in the box. So some people are going to buy the RipOff versions. This is for a system thats meant to be an HD player as well!

HDD for the 20/40gb models $80 for a 160gb HDD *Required for anyone who intends to have a large game collection/use the download and movies features* 20/40gb are far too small. Say hello to multiple 5gb installs.

Xbox 360 HDD

60gb Arcade to Premium upgrade pack. $99 <--- Fair price considering it gives you everything in the 60gb SKU barring the HD cables.

120gb - Expensive but its about as bad as a $25 memory card not included in a box. It would have been the same price of the PS3 version had they gone down the same route.

Component cables included in the 60 gb


