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the HDD of the 360 can have as many price cuts as it can. the 20 gb was like 99$, i can by a 250GB HDD for that amount, even less, and the 120GB at 150 is still a rip off, a 500GB HDD is comig out soon for 200, and microsoft expects its customers to buy more just cos its 30 bucks cheaper and it clips on ooooh, intriguing. i might just be realed in to buy one and then get a text of bill gates saying, haha looser, but thanks, im 150 richer.


PS3 Trophies

DS: 120,000,000; Wii: 60,000,000; Xbox 360: 38,000,000; PlayStation 3: 34,000,000; PlayStation Portable: 60,000,000

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E