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On overpriced accessories.


Memory Card: $25 -8mb flash (Essential!)

Not included with system

Typical Flash prices - $5 on Newegg GB+


DS3 $55 - The price of a game to get functionality that should have been in the box on day 1.

Official HDMI cables - $70

Official Component cables $25

No HD cables included in the box. So some people are going to buy the RipOff versions. This is for a system thats meant to be an HD player as well!

HDD for the 20/40gb models $80 for a 160gb HDD *Required for anyone who intends to have a large game collection/use the download and movies features* 20/40gb are far too small. Say hello to multiple 5gb installs.

Xbox 360 HDD

60gb Arcade to Premium upgrade pack. $99 <--- Fair price considering it gives you everything in the 60gb SKU barring the HD cables.

120gb - Expensive but its about as bad as a $25 memory card not included in a box. It would have been the same price of the PS3 version had they gone down the same route.

Component cables included in the 60 gb


