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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 120GB HDD now $149.99

Fei-Hung said:
In all due fairness, for 360 owners it is cheap considering they were made to fork out money at every mistake MS made; RROD and HD Drive addition.

Considering they have dropped the price, the HDD is not cheap but it is cheaper. Not to say they can't make it cheaper or better, but they won't after all, MS is more about making profits then any other console this gen. After all, it is what MS is known for and does best, with or without Bill the Gates.

I am happy for the Xbox users on the price drop, after all we are all gamers and we do deserve value for ouor money. Now lets pray they drop the LIVE fee next and WIFI price and lets hope Sony start making a profit so they can drop the PS3 by another £50 :D



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You can get 1000 gb for,120€ here.



Take my love, take my land..

Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!



Doesn't the PS3 come with wi-fi built in? And you NEED to buy an intercooler to stop it from dying? Oh, all those things you described sound like 360 issues to me! Stop trolling; the 120GB HDD is a rip off, plain and simple. I'll spend £60 and buy a 320GB toshiba HDD for my PS3 thanks very much.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Squilliam said:
Fei-Hung said:
In all due fairness, for 360 owners it is cheap considering they were made to fork out money at every mistake MS made; RROD and HD Drive addition.

Considering they have dropped the price, the HDD is not cheap but it is cheaper. Not to say they can't make it cheaper or better, but they won't after all, MS is more about making profits then any other console this gen. After all, it is what MS is known for and does best, with or without Bill the Gates.

I am happy for the Xbox users on the price drop, after all we are all gamers and we do deserve value for ouor money. Now lets pray they drop the LIVE fee next and WIFI price and lets hope Sony start making a profit so they can drop the PS3 by another £50 :D


Squlli what do you mean by this? :s am i missing something lol 


Squilliam said:
Lafiel said:

@ Onyxmeth )

I don't see any reason to protect MS price politics when it comes to peripherals tbh, so in my opinion his sarcastic statement was reasonable.

Its pretty silly to compare what is essentially a brick+mortar price with the price on newegg.

Furthermore the design of the hard-drive is better from a laymans perspective. You don't need to read a how-to on the internet before you're confident you can do it. I would say the time/effort saved worth at least $10-20. Just because you're good with a screw driver doesn't mean you can act like 90% of people aren't too ignorant to change a PS3 HDD.

$110 reduced from 140 from Bestbuy for a 160gb seagate.

$150 for a 120gb Xbox 360 drive.

Thats pretty fair/close. And for those who are gonna complain about the cost, go build a pc or something useful.



 instructions on how to replace your ps3 hard drive come with the ps3 manual.

all you do is remove a the blue screw, slide out the caddy, remove the holding screws on the attached drive, replace with new drive, rescrew holding screws, slide the caddy back in and screw in the blue screw.

if that's all i have to go through to and still pay half the price for double the space, then i'd gladly take sony's option. how many times are you actually going to change your drive for it to be a risk?

even with the 'time and effort saved', the 360 drive is still a rip off. you know that so i see no reason in even attempting to defend it.

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Ferk M$ and their over priced accessories!

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MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

Exchange of the PS3 HDD is a doddle, anybody with a brain between there ears could do it.


"Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying"


Nice start but it should be $99.00 MAX

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!



While we're on the subject of trolling.......I got a warning for doing something very similar the other day...very similar..except you're bashing the PS3, and I was praising it, so maybe it's ok..

Also, the intercooler to stop it from dying?  I love how this keeps coming up..I have one of those SUPPOSED red-hot 60 gigs and I can play it all day long (and have on several occasions) and it never gets overly hot.  And I have no cooling device whatsoever.

Finally, ON SUBJECT:
It's good to see the price come down, but it's still a rip-off.  Then again, normally when you're dealing with proprietary hardware, it's more expensive anyway.

Phrancheyez said:
Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!



While we're on the subject of trolling.......I got a warning for doing something very similar the other day...very similar..except you're bashing the PS3, and I was praising it, so maybe it's ok..

Also, the intercooler to stop it from dying?  I love how this keeps coming up..I have one of those SUPPOSED red-hot 60 gigs and I can play it all day long (and have on several occasions) and it never gets overly hot.  And I have no cooling device whatsoever.

Finally, ON SUBJECT:
It's good to see the price come down, but it's still a rip-off.  Then again, normally when you're dealing with proprietary hardware, it's more expensive anyway.

I think he was making a joke.