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Phrancheyez said:
Squilliam said:
Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!



While we're on the subject of trolling.......I got a warning for doing something very similar the other day...very similar..except you're bashing the PS3, and I was praising it, so maybe it's ok..

Also, the intercooler to stop it from dying?  I love how this keeps coming up..I have one of those SUPPOSED red-hot 60 gigs and I can play it all day long (and have on several occasions) and it never gets overly hot.  And I have no cooling device whatsoever.

Finally, ON SUBJECT:
It's good to see the price come down, but it's still a rip-off.  Then again, normally when you're dealing with proprietary hardware, it's more expensive anyway.

I think he was making a joke.