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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 120GB HDD now $149.99

I already have a 320GB 2,5" for the PS3

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Lafiel said:

@ Onyxmeth )

I don't see any reason to protect MS price politics when it comes to peripherals tbh, so in my opinion his sarcastic statement was reasonable.

Its pretty silly to compare what is essentially a brick+mortar price with the price on newegg.

Furthermore the design of the hard-drive is better from a laymans perspective. You don't need to read a how-to on the internet before you're confident you can do it. I would say the time/effort saved worth at least $10-20. Just because you're good with a screw driver doesn't mean you can act like 90% of people aren't too ignorant to change a PS3 HDD.

$110 reduced from 140 from Bestbuy for a 160gb seagate.

$150 for a 120gb Xbox 360 drive.

Thats pretty fair/close. And for those who are gonna complain about the cost, go build a pc or something useful.



It is very expense = Rip Off

Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off

Its not as bad as the PS3 wireless adapter and intercooler that you need to stop it from dying. They are bleeping expensive!



Voice_Of_Reason said:
It is very expense = Rip Off


 thats well expensive.

over here its roughly

£20 for 60gig

£35 for 80gig

£40 for 120gig

£70 for 320gig


theres no way in hell you could get a 120gig 360 hd here for £40 no way. changing hd was so easy only took me 10seconds its easy and better value than 360 counterpart

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Its a rip off, What are they still charging for the 20gb, like $100?

They should have just let people use any hard drive like the ps3.


if you think $149 is cheap for a 120gb hd, then that what does it make my friends 500gb HD that he picked up from Staples for £50?

Also, $149 brings the console price up to $349 and if $149 is cheap (half the cost of a ps3), then doesnt that make a ps3 (80gb, wifi, free PSN and BluRay) the bargain of all bargains?

There are like ten 1TB externals available on Newegg for that price (or cheaper). When you get THAT much of a size difference for the same price, I don't think it's unfair at all to point out.


 120G for $149 like that call cheap????

Wa haha don't be stupid..

In all due fairness, for 360 owners it is cheap considering they were made to fork out money at every mistake MS made; RROD and HD Drive addition.

Considering they have dropped the price, the HDD is not cheap but it is cheaper. Not to say they can't make it cheaper or better, but they won't after all, MS is more about making profits then any other console this gen. After all, it is what MS is known for and does best, with or without Bill the Gates.

I am happy for the Xbox users on the price drop, after all we are all gamers and we do deserve value for ouor money. Now lets pray they drop the LIVE fee next and WIFI price and lets hope Sony start making a profit so they can drop the PS3 by another £50 :D