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Forums - PC Discussion - So why do people hate the dreaded Spore DRM (or any DRM) again?

Kyros said:
Oh, that's right, you can only install 3 times, but how many people actually install their game more than 3 times?

I have installed Diablo2 and Starcraft at least 5 times on 3 different PCs. Besides people like to sell their used copies which is effectively killed by this approach.
Which is also the reason EA does this bullshit. Spore was available sans DRM before it was even released commercially. The only people inconvenienced by DRM are legal customers.



EA have gone on record saying they dislike the second hand market/reselling market. They want it to stop, they get zero money from it (ie you selling it or a store like gamestop selling it second hand). I see this as a testing ground of what could pop up in console generations to come.

ie each copy of a  game has its own serial number (stored on disk), and your console has one.. every time you run a game it'll check against their records, if it matches then you can play, if not you'll be denied (first time play acts as auto registering).. in the next generation or 2 of consoles, everyone's console will be connected online making this crappy stuff all possible.


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1. I heard from the comments at Amazon that it installs a program that constantly runs in your background, and takes up CPU usage. SecureROM.

2. I also hear that EA would drop the authentication servers when they come up with a new way to do anti-piracy, and you wouldn't be able to install your game anymore.

3. I also hear that EA can counter your claim and not give you a 4th install because they think you're a pirate.

4. I hear the pirated version doesn't install securerom and thus is the better version, which also runs smoother, because of no securerom.

5. As I understand, if EA goes out of business somehow(as all companies do) your disc will be unable to install.

6. Sometimes I have to reformat my computer. Sometimes games don't work right on my computer, and I have to reinstall them. Sometimes I want to play on my laptop, or at my brothers house. With 3 installs, I'm basically renting the game.

7. Some computers I have aren't hooked up to the internet.

8. The form of piracy securerom prevents is local. It's so you can't go around and install the game on friends computers, and let them download a 100kb no-cd hack, and share the game with everyone for free. It's assuming that people who pirate anyway, won't go to the extent of downloading 8gb? It's like saying, "Well, if your morals won't prevent you from doing it, maybe a longer download will."

9. The hacked version is superior, due to secure-rom(or whatever it's called) and people are playing the game for free that I'd have to pay a large sum for.

10. The game isn't as good as we hoped anyway, or so I hear, so it's hard to want to install securerom(which is basically a virus) have your computer run slower forever, and jump through hoops for customer service. Especially when you get a much better version for free, no strings attached.

11. This is an inherant flaw with PC gaming market, imo. The ability to pirate games easily isn't something that should exist. When it does, bad things happen. This game will probably be pirated more than any other game. It's like I'd be buying a gimped version of a free game, and installing an unremovable virus on my computer at the same time. Then again, all this stuff might be rumor.

Thus, I choose to simply not buy it. If it comes to a console, I'd rent it.

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@ twesterm )

- they use SecuROM, which means, if you change your PC in any way (new graphics card, more ram, etc. etc.) the game won't start anymore and you have to reinstall it (and use another licence)

- people like to have the feeling to really own something instead of being a temporary licensee, and as a matter of fact the game has no resell value at all, for the potential buyers can't be sure you really have a licence left they can use to play the game

- if in the future the servers which verify the licences are put offline you won't be able to install the game anymore

- to a person it doesn't matter at all whether or not he/she is with the majority or at least with a greater group with this complain/problem, all that matters is the personal inconvenience and I feel a lot of personal inconvinience from DRM infested games, which is why I won't buy them

DMeisterJ said:
Because people like complaining?


Winner. However, DRM is annoying.

SamuelRSmith said:
jasonnc80 said:
I went to gamestop to buy a PC game last night.

I looked at Spore, a couple of the employees there told me how fun it was, then I bought Diablo 2.

I still have games on floppy disk that I can install if I want to. I won't buy a game that limits paying customers in such a way sorry.


 You can install it as many times as you want. You just need to authenticate the fourth installation over the phone.

Is that fourth installation guaranteed? Or do they reserve the right of not allowing you to install a fourth time?

Not that this would change my opinion much, but it is an interesting question nonetheless.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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NJ5 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
jasonnc80 said:
I went to gamestop to buy a PC game last night.

I looked at Spore, a couple of the employees there told me how fun it was, then I bought Diablo 2.

I still have games on floppy disk that I can install if I want to. I won't buy a game that limits paying customers in such a way sorry.


You can install it as many times as you want. You just need to authenticate the fourth installation over the phone.

Is that fourth installation guaranteed? Or do they reserve the right of not allowing you to install a fourth time?

Not that this would change my opinion much, but it is an interesting question nonetheless.


I don't think it is, but rather they mention it to have people feel better about it. I don't trust them when they say it's for 'special circumstances'. Not only that, I hear that the phone call requires a toll so that you'll be wasting money trying to get them to let you play the game you paid for again.


Two things:

1. You never "own" a game. Or a movie, song, or even book for that matter. You cannot expect to do what you please with any media. You purchase certain rights of use. If those rights are not broad enough for you, don't purchase. For most, those rights are enough to enjoy the game.

2. Those of you who worry about 10 years in the future might not need to. First, Spore 4 might be out by then (porting all your current creations with every release) and second, that limitation might be eliminated by then. A few years from now they might determine the risk that someone may copy an old game is not worth the overhead of running the over-the-phone verification. Similar things have happened with PC games for me.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

twesterm said:
Gamerace said:
Spore is exactly the type of game I'd play (or imagine I'd play) for many years. In that case, just the odd re-install of Windows due to virus or simply cleaning out the clutter will cause me to hit the 3 install limit. Add new computer. Plus I'd want one copy on my laptop and one on my home PC - both are for my personal use.

Secondly, this eliminates being able to sell it used (or often even give it away). That's good for the publisher yes. But what if your car had a set limit of owners? Or your movies only allowed itself to be played in 3 dvd players over it's life? Or a book could only be read 3 times? Would that normally affect you? No. Would it if it was a favorite movie/book? Hell yes. It's a stupid pratice especially since it's not stopping piracy one bit.


Do you really have to install Windows that often?  Maybe now I'm guilty of thinking I'm the majority, but I've had to do that once in the last 8 years and that was merely because of a bad hard drive.  I'm big believer in it's hard to get a virus that destroys your hard drive as long as you pay attention.

Not 'that' often but yes, to declutter and/or get rid of viruses (last one from this very site...grrr) I'll occasional just reinstall the OS.  Maybe 2-3 times over the life of a PC (say 5-6 years).  Add home PC and Laptop and obviously 3 installs is not enough.   I might get this for the Wii, but if I do buy it for PC I will buy it but actually use a downloaded copy instead so I don't have to deal with the DRM.



BenKenobi88 said:

The reality of it though, is that in 10 years I won't be playing it, but if I do want to, and I've maxed out my installs, I'll just download a crack.  Nobody cares about cracking a 10 year old game you paid for.  It's not something I should have to do, but I'm not going to get all twisted up about it. 

 See the problem is not everyone is going to wait on that (myself included) nor should we have to. This helps promote piracy by giving attention and seeders to the piracy options. It isn't worth the internet crusade against it, but we should work to a different solution.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

lapsed_gamer said:
Two things:

1. You never "own" a game. Or a movie, song, or even book for that matter. You cannot expect to do what you please with any media. You purchase certain rights of use. If those rights are not broad enough for you, don't purchase. For most those rights are enough to enjoy the game.

2. Those of you who worry about 10 years in the future might not need to. First, Spore 4 might be out by then (porting all your current creations with every release) and second, that limitation might be eliminated by then. A few years from now they might determine the risk that someone may copy an old game is not worth the overhead of running the over-the-phone verification. Similar things have happened with PC games for me.

1- Isn't that the point of hating the DRM and therefore not buying the game?

2- Maybe, but that's all hypothetical and doesn't change the wrong principle this DRM is based on.

I'm sure some EA-defenders (not saying you are one) will continue to say that DRM-haters are just whining for the sake of whining, but that doesn't change the fact that this DRM is bad, both in principle and in practice.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957