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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Awarded Games of the Year

SMG was GOTY for the Wii in 2007, but I dont think it was overall. (I seem to remember COD4 winning a bunch of Awards.)

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SMG won more awards ( and GOTY's) than COD4, Bioshock, and The Orange Box.

1998 was Ocarina of Time buy a landslide (It is the highest rated game of all time afterall).

1996 ( I think) was Mario 64.

2002 was Metroid Prime

2001 was Halo ( I think)

Acevil said:
shio said:
Acevil said:
TWRoO said:
@Acevil.... I knew I'd seen your avatar before.... you are on the GameTrailers page I just linked to in the post above.


Oh shit, I been spotted. I was doing a count for GOTY for awhile, It was Mario Galaxy and Bioshock that clearly won that year (On all the important sites anyways). COD4 won some, Halo did aswell. Again I only counted the major sites like 1up, IGN, Edge, Gamespot etc. You know that atleast get more than 1000 hits...a day.

I do this for every year. Bioshock and Mario Galxy cleaned last year, the year before that was Oblivion, The Legend of Zelda and Gears of War. The year before that was Resident Evil 4 mostly.

Orange Box won almost 200 awards, no other game seems to have come close. Thing is, The Orange Box has the "support" of Portal and Team Fortress 2, and combined won dozens GOTYs.

First things first, you lack the evidence to prove Orange Box won all those awards and secondly I just noticed something in your list everything you labeled is a PC game.

Finally I can grantee if I used your method of using no name site I can find more GOTY for Galaxy and maybe even Bioshock than the Orange Box.


I can't even think of 37 websites that have a GOTY award, so for portal to have won so many you must be using no-name sites as well as PC specific magazines.

I am sure if I went into Nintendo Specific magazines I could find a further 20 GOTY awards for SMG, that's not including small websites no one has heard of. Same for Bioshock with XB magazines.

We should probably limit this to major websites and huge (all gaming) magazines if you want to make this fair, but I don't think you do.

I'm fine admitting PC might be a better gaming experience for more people if they gave it a try and stopped complaining about price etc, but this seems a rather biased thread.


Acevil said:
shio said:
Acevil said:
TWRoO said:
@Acevil.... I knew I'd seen your avatar before.... you are on the GameTrailers page I just linked to in the post above.


Oh shit, I been spotted. I was doing a count for GOTY for awhile, It was Mario Galaxy and Bioshock that clearly won that year (On all the important sites anyways). COD4 won some, Halo did aswell. Again I only counted the major sites like 1up, IGN, Edge, Gamespot etc. You know that atleast get more than 1000 hits...a day.

I do this for every year. Bioshock and Mario Galxy cleaned last year, the year before that was Oblivion, The Legend of Zelda and Gears of War. The year before that was Resident Evil 4 mostly.

Orange Box won almost 200 awards, no other game seems to have come close. Thing is, The Orange Box has the "support" of Portal and Team Fortress 2, and combined won dozens GOTYs.

First things first, you lack the evidence to prove Orange Box won all those awards and secondly I just noticed something in your list everything you labeled is a PC game.

Finally I can grantee if I used your method of using no name site I can find more GOTY for Galaxy and maybe even Bioshock than the Orange Box.


First, taking only 3 or 4 sites then say it's the same for the rest of mags/sites is misleading (don't ever mention that piece of crap 1up). Second, there are far more PC gaming publications than Nintendo affiliated ones. Third, Europe.

I admit I did not detailedly check the sources (infact, there are only 100-ish awards won by Orange Box and it's parts collectively) but I did not find any indicative that Super Mario Galaxy or Bioshock had won more awards.

Do you really think Super Mario Galaxy even was worth mentioning if Valve had started searching for the awards they won in european mags?

The reason I so far only listed PC games is because they're the ones that seem to have won more awards!! Simple as that. Feel free to prove me wrong.


pearljammer said:
shio said:
Chrizum said:
I think 1998 was Ocarina of Time and 2007 was Super Mario Galaxy (definitely not Orange Box).

In 1998 there was also Starcraft and Half-Life, so it'll be hard to know which actually won the most.

The Orange Box won over 100 awards, not counting Portal and TF2 seperately. SMG had no chance.


Although I think Starcraft would have deserved to win EVERY GOTY award in 1998, sadly, I think OoT stole it.

By the way, for this excerise are you including magazines and sites that are limited to only one platform? E.g. Nintendo Power, PC Gamer, OPM, etc.  I may be wrong but it seems like there are more sites and magazines that are limited to consoles than there are PC. Of course I have no evidence to back this up, so take it with a grain of salt.

edit: Or is it just considering Overall GOTY awards?

For 2005 I think it may have been between God of War, Resident Evil 4 and Civilization IV

When I say GOTY awards it's either Overall or Single-Platform. But all awards are considered.


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shio said:

First, taking only 3 or 4 sites then say it's the same for the rest of mags/sites is misleading (don't ever mention that piece of crap 1up). Second, there are far more PC gaming publications than Nintendo affiliated ones. Third, Europe.


This is exactly why your thread is biased. You knew going in that PC games would have a natural advantage based on number of publications there are. I have a better idea. We should only count sites or publications that include every console, handheld and PC game in their running for GOTY. That way it's fair to all and not just to the platform with the most publications.

Either that, or don't make it one winner. Make a console winner, a handheld winner and a PC winner.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

1996: Super Mario 64 (N64).

1997: Pokémon Red and Blue (GB).

1998: Starcraft (PC), Half Life (PC), Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).

1999: Jet Grind Radio (DC), Samba de Amigo (DC).

2000: Sonic Adventure (DC), Panzer Dragoon (DC).

2001: Halo (XBOX), GTA 3 (PS2/XBOX).

2002: Super Mario Sunshine (GC), GTA Vice City (PC/PS2).

2003: Zelda: The Windwaker (GC), Metroid Prime (GC), Beyond Good and Evil (PS2/XBOX/GC), Viewtiful Joe (GC).

2004: Halo 2 (XBOX), GTA San Andreas (PS2/XBOX).

2005: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC), Resident Evil 4 (GC) 

2006: Gears of War (X360), Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC/Wii), Okami (PS2).

2007: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Halo 3 (X360), Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii), Call of Duty 4 (X360/PS3), Mass Effect (X360), Uncharted (PS3), The Orange Box (PC/X360/PS3).

2008: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3), Super Smash Bros: Brawl (Wii), GTA4 (PS3/X360), Spore (PC). 


I guess this list is incomplete and that some years might be of by one or two for some games but this is what I can think of.


StarcraftManiac said:

1996: Super Mario 64 (N64).

1997: Pokémon Red and Blue (GB). AND -- **Final Fantasy VII**

1998: Starcraft (PC), Half Life (PC), Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).

1999: Jet Grind Radio (DC), Samba de Amigo (DC).

2000: Sonic Adventure (DC), Panzer Dragoon (DC).

2001: Halo (XBOX), GTA 3 (PS2/XBOX).

2002: Super Mario Sunshine (GC), GTA Vice City (PC/PS2).

2003: Zelda: The Windwaker (GC), Metroid Prime (GC), Beyond Good and Evil (PS2/XBOX/GC), Viewtiful Joe (GC).

2004: Halo 2 (XBOX), GTA San Andreas (PS2/XBOX).

2005: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC), Resident Evil 4 (GC) 

2006: Gears of War (X360), Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC/Wii), Okami (PS2).

2007: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Halo 3 (X360), Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii), Call of Duty 4 (X360/PS3), Mass Effect (X360), Uncharted (PS3), The Orange Box (PC/X360/PS3).

2008: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)----------the rest are not needed....MGs4 is THE winner already! Super Smash Bros: Brawl (Wii), GTA4 (PS3/X360), Spore (PC). 


I guess this list is incomplete and that some years might be of by one or two for some games but this is what I can think of.



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
StarcraftManiac said:

1996: Super Mario 64 (N64).

1997: Pokémon Red and Blue (GB). AND -- **Final Fantasy VII**

1998: Starcraft (PC), Half Life (PC), Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).

1999: Jet Grind Radio (DC), Samba de Amigo (DC).

2000: Sonic Adventure (DC), Panzer Dragoon (DC).

2001: Halo (XBOX), GTA 3 (PS2/XBOX).

2002: Super Mario Sunshine (GC), GTA Vice City (PC/PS2).

2003: Zelda: The Windwaker (GC), Metroid Prime (GC), Beyond Good and Evil (PS2/XBOX/GC), Viewtiful Joe (GC).

2004: Halo 2 (XBOX), GTA San Andreas (PS2/XBOX).

2005: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC), Resident Evil 4 (GC) 

2006: Gears of War (X360), Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC/Wii), Okami (PS2).

2007: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Halo 3 (X360), Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii), Call of Duty 4 (X360/PS3), Mass Effect (X360), Uncharted (PS3), The Orange Box (PC/X360/PS3).

2008: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)----------the rest are not needed....MGs4 is THE winner already! Super Smash Bros: Brawl (Wii), GTA4 (PS3/X360), Spore (PC). 


I guess this list is incomplete and that some years might be of by one or two for some games but this is what I can think of.



I'm going to change a few because some of it is way off. Jet Grind Radio and Samba De Amigo didn't even come out in 1999, let alone win any GOTY awards. 1999 was Soul Calibur. GoldenEye007 was 1997 hands down. There was no Panzer Dragoon on the Dreamcast, or any Panzer Dragoon game in 2000 at all. Panzer Dragoon Saga, which I'm sure is what you meant, came out in 1998 for the Saturn and got like no GOTY awards. For 2005, switch Metroid Prime 2 with God of War. Add in Prince of Persia Sands of Time in for 2003. Add Half-Life 2 in for 2004. 1999 was when Sonic Adventure came out, not 2000, and it didn't get any GOTYs because Soul Calibur swallowed the awards completely that year.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.
