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Forums - Gaming Discussion - you prefer turn based battles or real time?

Xeta said:

A game designer needs to consider two factors when deciding a battle system - how much it will rely on quick decision making / reflexes, and how complex to make it. A more real-time combat system will cause adding complexity to the combat to increase the learning curve and difficulty more because making decisions in a more hectic/time-constrained setting makes most players either make worse decisions or take the same amount of time and let the time restrictions take their toll, so that most developers who don't want to alienate all but the most talented players tend to choose a spot on a spectrum with one side being turn-based and complex and the other being completely real-time with almost no strategy.

An example of a game that tried to add too much complexity to real-time combat is The World Ends With You. Of course it was great and well-reviewed, but the devotion required to do well in its combat system probably turned off many potential buyers, hence the good but not phenomenal sales.

With that said, I prefer turn-based combat. If I wanted to test how fast I can make decisions I would not be playing a genre with its roots in complex decision-making.

TWEWY didn't sell better because of it's Japanese motif which limited it's audience, not because of the complexity of the battle system.


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Riachu said:
Xeta said:

A game designer needs to consider two factors when deciding a battle system - how much it will rely on quick decision making / reflexes, and how complex to make it. A more real-time combat system will cause adding complexity to the combat to increase the learning curve and difficulty more because making decisions in a more hectic/time-constrained setting makes most players either make worse decisions or take the same amount of time and let the time restrictions take their toll, so that most developers who don't want to alienate all but the most talented players tend to choose a spot on a spectrum with one side being turn-based and complex and the other being completely real-time with almost no strategy.

An example of a game that tried to add too much complexity to real-time combat is The World Ends With You. Of course it was great and well-reviewed, but the devotion required to do well in its combat system probably turned off many potential buyers, hence the good but not phenomenal sales.

With that said, I prefer turn-based combat. If I wanted to test how fast I can make decisions I would not be playing a genre with its roots in complex decision-making.

TWEWY didn't sell better because of it's Japanese motif which limited it's audience, not because of the complexity of the battle system.



If the Japanese motif was the cause of lower sales, I believe it would not have sold about the same amount in North America as it did in Japan itself. As a JRPG/Action RPG its sales distribution between regions was normal if not leaning more towards NA.

Turn based.
But it's slowly dying out so i forced myself a bit to like real time battles more and more.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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My favourite battle system for RPGs is real time with the ability to pause and give commands.

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Probably turn based, though not team turn based, I much prefer FF X's system to something like LO. However, I do really like real time as well

Turn-Based all the way. I'm old school :)

Turn based. Thats why FF12 was so rubbish, the tactical aspect of the battles was almost completely gone. I hated the combat

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Turn based. Thats why FF12 was so rubbish, the tactical aspect of the battles was almost completely gone. I hated the combat


ff12 was turn based, they just just used some real time elements

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Neither. They're both good in their own ways, and should be celebrated both for what they are and what they aren't. Sometimes I want to think, and sometimes I want to twitch.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.