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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Name the 3 console games which you believe have the BEST graphics.

Instead of choosing the best graphics I've seen on a console, I'll pick games that have impacted me in a graphical way. It's more fun this way.

1. Okami: Such a beautiful game. I could run around Nippon for hours on end. Just being able to see the next area of the game was reason enough to continue the game.

2. Metroid Prime: It's art direction is impeccable. Each and every room has something to discover. Awe inspiring to this day. Retro Studios is the master when it comes to art direction in games.

3. Super Mario 64: Mario. In 3D. Mind: Blown.

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Phoenix_Wiight said:
SHMUPGurus said:

Oh, if we're talking about different generations, then my choices are:

1- Jet Force Gemini;
2- Final Fantasy XII (beats God of War 2 in my opinion);
3- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

But wait, that's a bit stupid though... Might as well list the best looking games on all platforms! o_o


 Never ever EVER again put "best games" and Final Fantasy XII in the same sentence, paragraph, or page. Ever.

It's too bad you can't enjoy games for what they are, now what they should have been.


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

1. Uncharted
2. Mass Effect
3. Metal Gear Solid 4

MGS4, Zelda:OoT for its time, and Shenmue for its time

But if you go on current systems it would be MGS4, Uncharted, and Gears or GT:5


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

PSN ID: smj1860

In this order:
1) MGS4

2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

3) Gears of War


Mass Effect and Uncharted would have polled highly, BUT they are not as technically sound in the graphics department as those 3.

Mass Effect is a texture pop-in, certain textures just not loading (EVER), screen tearing, buggy mess of an otherwise great game.

Uncharted is beautiful, BUT suffers from texture pop-in and screen tearing after you hit the middle point in the game, which incidently is when most of the games flaws go from being minor annoyances to glaring issues (average controls, incredibly idiotic AI, gameplay formula of gunfight in an arena -> move to a light puzzle -> Gunfight in an arena). Still a good game though.

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CAL4M1TY said:

In this order:
1) MGS4

2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

3) Gears of War


Mass Effect and Uncharted would have polled highly, BUT they are not as technically sound in the graphics department as those 3.

Mass Effect is a texture pop-in, certain textures just not loading (EVER), screen tearing, buggy mess of an otherwise great game.

Uncharted is beautiful, BUT suffers from texture pop-in and screen tearing after you hit the middle point in the game, which incidently is when most of the games flaws go from being minor annoyances to glaring issues (average controls, incredibly idiotic AI, gameplay formula of gunfight in an arena -> move to a light puzzle -> Gunfight in an arena). Still a good game though.


Gears of war also has texture pop in, as do all UE3 games. There's no game on console that has better lighting and level mapping than uncharted. The environments and level detail in Uncharted is much more dynamic and organic than MGS4,COD4 and Gears combined, not to mention takes no install times. Either way, controls, AI,puzzles, and gameplay has nothing to do with graphics.

Current generation nothing really stands out to me as "BEST" graphics.
for its time,

1. soulcalibur for the dreamcast.
2. ...
3. ...

Yeah Im a big PC gamer, so I've been really jaded on graphics. but soulcalibur definitely looked amazing.

hmm only three from any gen...

1. Solaris - Atari 2600 (looks like an NES game)

2. Starfox - SNES

3. Mega Man Legends - PS1

Those 3 games blew me away most purely on graphics on their respective platforms.

Honorable mentions for me would be Mario 64, Mario Kart, Toy Story (Genesis version), Wolfenstein 3D, Resident Evil 4, Max Payne 2, Halo, Ninja Gaiden (NES), Metroid Prime, Final Fantasy VIII, Sonic and Knuckles, and from what I've seen from demos at gamestop - Uncharted.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

same as your three

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Windwaker - Okami - Lost Winds.