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CAL4M1TY said:

In this order:
1) MGS4

2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

3) Gears of War


Mass Effect and Uncharted would have polled highly, BUT they are not as technically sound in the graphics department as those 3.

Mass Effect is a texture pop-in, certain textures just not loading (EVER), screen tearing, buggy mess of an otherwise great game.

Uncharted is beautiful, BUT suffers from texture pop-in and screen tearing after you hit the middle point in the game, which incidently is when most of the games flaws go from being minor annoyances to glaring issues (average controls, incredibly idiotic AI, gameplay formula of gunfight in an arena -> move to a light puzzle -> Gunfight in an arena). Still a good game though.


Gears of war also has texture pop in, as do all UE3 games. There's no game on console that has better lighting and level mapping than uncharted. The environments and level detail in Uncharted is much more dynamic and organic than MGS4,COD4 and Gears combined, not to mention takes no install times. Either way, controls, AI,puzzles, and gameplay has nothing to do with graphics.