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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If Nintendo allows Coduit to have LAN play, Wii will be THE core console.

Kyros said:
No PS3 or 360 game will even equal the control quality of a Wii shooter.

Which didn't help FPS shooters on the Wii until now. Medal of Honor, lauded for its controls and multiplayer did 230k, Metroid Prime and Call of Duty3 were no megasellers either. Perhaps its different this time. I just do not see why Metroid is miles and lightyears ahead of the Conduit when it comes to level/enemy design and art direction. But we will see.


Red Steel a medicore game sold over million copies, MP3 sold well 1.5m which is good for MP series, considering that this is not a classic Shooter. MoH:H is missing data, so i dont think that shooters do so badly on the Wii. If NInty decides to Publish Conduit(or Activision) game will sell well. And the control is superior


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One halo like game will make the wii a core console if it has LAN despite the ps3 and 360 having multiple lan games and a larger shooter fanbase?

Who said core only means shooters.

Why are gamers who dont like the wii snpbs. Wii owners tend to be way more snarky in my opinion.

Beja-Beja said:
Why are gamers who dont like the wii snpbs. Wii owners tend to be way more snarky in my opinion.


Who are you calling snarky?  :) I think that you mean more sarcastic.  There's a difference.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

steven787 said:
I think they mean "We’re also working with Nintendo now on getting LAN play working [via system link]." as in trying to work on a deal.


No, "getting... working" is not language for approval. You are not even reading that right. They stated before it's going to have LAN play. They have not stated they are waiting for approval, in any way.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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radioioRobert said:

The Conduit- Splitscreen and LAN play 100% confirmed

"We're not ready to officially announce anything, but things are in the works. Look for the word in the coming month. We're going to ship with a full single player campaign and both offline and online multiplayer. We're also working with Nintendo now on getting LAN play working [via system link]." - Rob Nicholls, the game's designer.

Notice how he said Offline and Online AND ALSO LAN, meaning that the offline multiplayer is splitscreen. So far, the features confirmed are: 16+ Online Multiplayer, Voice Chat, Macthmaking, Customaizable : turning speed, cursor sensitivty, dead zone size, and running speed, Movable HUDS, 17 weapons +variants, 3 grenade types, LAN play, and splitscreen. Keep in mind that the game is still in it's early Alpha.

I'll wait until it's formally announced, as all the author did was take the words of HVS and place what he felt they said or meant in there.

gebx said:
steven787 said:

School and church groups across the country used to play Halo on Xbox1.  That is the only time I played Halo 2, was at parties.

Due to the popularity of the Wii, combined with the family image, will make this one of the best remembered shooters; ultimately the Wii the Shooter console among (non-forum, non-snob) gamers.

Anectdotal, I know.

Fanboyish, probably.

Correct, likely.

So a standard feature for the 360 and PS3 that's been available also on previous generation will determine if the Wii becomes the "Core" console?

Kinda lame no?


You're right, no, not lame.

You didn't address the logic of the OP, you just made a statement.

Due to the popularity of the Wii, combined with the family image, will make this one of the best remembered shooters; ultimately the Wii the Shooter console among (non-forum, non-snob) gamers.

Agree or disagree, but please address the topic.

I would also like to point out my second post in the thread:

This pretty much guarantees, Nintendo won't allow it.

They hate us.


To everyone else.

"We're not ready to officially announce anything, but things are in the works. Look for the word in the coming month. We're going to ship with a full single player campaign and both offline and online multiplayer. We're also working with Nintendo now on getting LAN play working [via system link]."

Is not a confirmation.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

DMeisterJ said:
radioioRobert said:

The Conduit- Splitscreen and LAN play 100% confirmed

"We're not ready to officially announce anything, but things are in the works. Look for the word in the coming month. We're going to ship with a full single player campaign and both offline and online multiplayer. We're also working with Nintendo now on getting LAN play working [via system link]." - Rob Nicholls, the game's designer.

Notice how he said Offline and Online AND ALSO LAN, meaning that the offline multiplayer is splitscreen. So far, the features confirmed are: 16+ Online Multiplayer, Voice Chat, Macthmaking, Customaizable : turning speed, cursor sensitivty, dead zone size, and running speed, Movable HUDS, 17 weapons +variants, 3 grenade types, LAN play, and splitscreen. Keep in mind that the game is still in it's early Alpha.

I'll wait until it's formally announced, as all the author did was take the words of HVS and place what he felt they said or meant in there.


Same as the thread starter.

As for the game, I'm glad they're at least trying (if the cost is half the HD systems, then give half the effort; it's still a lot), but I'm waiting and seeing. Yet impressions are good so far, so I'm optimistic, but still waiting.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

from the ign interview

splitscreen - most likely not for conduit "1"
lan play -yes
wii motion plus- probably not for conduit "1"
wiispeak- most likely yes
~10hr single person campaign
they are looking to see if they can add multiplayer offline

they are getting both the M+ and wiispeak hardware this month.

large publisher - they just have to cross the t's and dot the i's and they will announce who it is (i am thinking EA personally-can we say NO FRIENDS CODES-please!!)

core single player is done,
core online is done
core lan is basically done

all that is left is playtesting tweaking and polish

and they have ~6 months to go before release

if the gameplay is solid and the graphics are superior -for wii- then it'll sell better than mp3

That was some great info! Can't wait for the game!!!