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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Version Of PlayStation 3 To Go On Sale In August

For those of you that have a PS3... Aren't you a bit pissed that you could have waited a little while and then been able to get: 1) A bigger hard drive for the same price ($600) 2) A great game included 3) More games to choose from starting August anyway Whether or not it makes sense to Sony and is economically sound, I think the reaction to this move will be overwhelmingly negative. On top of that, how many interested consumers want the inferior version of a product at $500? If it was me I would just spring for the extra $100 for the storage space and Motorstorm.

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Maybe I'm missing something but didn't they already try to have 2 SKUs with one at $500 and another at $600?


TheSource said:
For those of you that have a PS3... Aren't you a bit pissed that you could have waited a little while and then been able to get: 1) A bigger hard drive for the same price ($600) 2) A great game included 3) More games to choose from starting August anyway Whether or not it makes sense to Sony and is economically sound, I think the reaction to this move will be overwhelmingly negative. On top of that, how many interested consumers want the inferior version of a product at $500? If it was me I would just spring for the extra $100 for the storage space and Motorstorm.

JESUS!!! this is ridiculous... 1.Im not mad that the HDD is 80 gigs.. 2.(your only good point) i am a little salty over that.. 3. you can say that about any console launch so your point is irrelevant.... its really hard for me not to insult you so i'll try not to..  MAY I ask your opinion on MS releasing the 360 elite???? just curious... i think this is a positive thing for SONY.. their main SKu will get a price drop with their elite version getting a 20 gig bump in HDD space and bundled with a free game... i love the way you use words but the 60 gig is not inferior...

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

TheSource said:
For those of you that have a PS3... Aren't you a bit pissed that you could have waited a little while and then been able to get: 1) A bigger hard drive for the same price ($600) 2) A great game included 3) More games to choose from starting August anyway Whether or not it makes sense to Sony and is economically sound, I think the reaction to this move will be overwhelmingly negative. On top of that, how many interested consumers want the inferior version of a product at $500? If it was me I would just spring for the extra $100 for the storage space and Motorstorm.

No doubt the new ones have the software emulation of PS2 titles - which may be a good or bad thing in the long run...

I think this is overly negative from Sony, and a sign that they are desperate for more money...

a) Some PS3 fans WILL go out and spend another $600 (just for the larger hdisk/new model!)

b) As a result, will see a heap of PS3s on Ebay/2nd-hand market (good or bad?)

c) Gives the impression that the PS3 hardware is a "moving target" - buy now, burnt later

d) Boost sales by dropping the price of existing 60Gig models (for a while anyway?)

e) Boost sales by offering a free game at the $599 price point (and a pretty weak game at that - if it was LAIR, Heavenly Sword or Uncharted might be different)


Most of all, this would piss me off if I had bought a PS3 - big time. Not to mention generally "devalueing" the PS3, by saying that the Premium model wasn't really that premium at all.

(and of course they look like copycats again, by following a similar strategy to MS with the Elite...).


If this is the best Sony can do, they might not have a very fun year...



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The console wars have definitely begun because the jackasses are getting even more stupid and ignorant... making everything look bad...

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

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I don't really see why there'd be much negative reaction to this. It seems no worse than a regular price drop as far as I can tell, and yeah, some people feel cheated when electronics drop in price so quickly, but most are used to this.

Most people wouldn't pay more than $30 for Motorstorm at this point, and you can buy an 80gb hard drive for less than $100, I imagine.

GotchayeX said:
I don't really see why there'd be much negative reaction to this. It seems no worse than a regular price drop as far as I can tell, and yeah, some people feel cheated when electronics drop in price so quickly, but most are used to this.

Most people wouldn't pay more than $30 for Motorstorm at this point, and you can buy an 80gb hard drive for less than $100, I imagine.

exactly... all it is .... is a regular price drop with a new sku bundled with a game noone isnt really going to buy anymore... this is nothing new to the electronic or videogame world for that matter... its a great business move and consumer move if you ask me... they just sorta killed two birds with one stone... and sooner than alot of people thought...

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

I suppose that what I don't understand is what the real difference is between models. Why would an old PS3 owner go out and buy the new model when he could just buy a new hard drive? My understanding is that there's no other difference between the two other than software emulation.

It seems less like two models to me and more like one model and a bundle. I wouldn't feel like my Wii was devalued if Nintendo dropped it to $200 and released one for $250 that came with an extra Wiimote and Wii Play, and I don't really see why the PS3 is devalued if it's dropped to $500 and Sony releases one at $600 with an 80gb and a game. It's quite possible that the extra cost is simply objectively not worth it - one could probably get the bigger hard drive and the game for less than $100.

URNotE said:
The console wars have definitely begun because the jackasses are getting even more stupid and ignorant... making everything look bad...

I'd like to ask you to calm down about calling posters jackasses, stupid, and ignorant. Everyone has their opinions, some think this is a good move, some think it's bad. That doesn't give you a right to degrade any posters in this forum, and it makes your posts less likely to be taken seriously.

GotchayeX said:
I suppose that what I don't understand is what the real difference is between models. Why would an old PS3 owner go out and buy the new model when he could just buy a new hard drive? My understanding is that there's no other difference between the two other than software emulation.

It seems less like two models to me and more like one model and a bundle. I wouldn't feel like my Wii was devalued if Nintendo dropped it to $200 and released one for $250 that came with an extra Wiimote and Wii Play, and I don't really see why the PS3 is devalued if it's dropped to $500 and Sony releases one at $600 with an 80gb and a game. It's quite possible that the extra cost is simply objectively not worth it - one could probably get the bigger hard drive and the game for less than $100.

i agree with you once again...thats why i said they killed two birds with one stone... Sony was feeling the heat to drop the price so they did... they also still want the ps3 to be profitable as it can... so they introduced another sku at 599.. i dont think that version will have the emotion engine though... i need to look and see if the korean 80 gig has the emotion engine i dont think it does...

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732