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Forums - PC Discussion - PC gaming is a real pain

Retrasado said:
While I won't deny that PC is better than consoles (I just don't have enough dough atm to get a good rig), I don't understand why people are saying that PC online is better than console online because it's totally free. I mean, the Wii and the PS3 have free online gaming...


 pc online is way better. 99% of pc games are online. games are cheaper (just gotta wait  a bit for the price to come down) take for example counterstrike is one of the greatest shooters of all time and is still played by millions.

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scorptile said:
Retrasado said:
While I won't deny that PC is better than consoles (I just don't have enough dough atm to get a good rig), I don't understand why people are saying that PC online is better than console online because it's totally free. I mean, the Wii and the PS3 have free online gaming...


 pc online is way better. 99% of pc games are online. games are cheaper (just gotta wait  a bit for the price to come down) take for example counterstrike is one of the greatest shooters of all time and is still played by millions.


Never saw the CS mania, Unreal Tournaments always took more skill than CS. Also there are great games which are not online, Bioshock, Neverwinter Nights, just about any non-action RPG. A lot of olden games are even still fun today just because of the game itself, Deus Ex and Thief are a few examples of those.



Because console gaming is literally just push a key and you are in a game, no customization, VERY little player made content, pain in the ass browsers with few filters, connections are better in general too.

Meanwhile online for the PC enjoys a lot of player content. We've had editors like LBP back at the turn of the century for any major fun game and today's editor's are absolutely out there when it comes to the amount of things you can pull off. I'm still playing UT2004 and WC3 4 and 5 years after their release because people are still making really good content for these games. A few years ago Epic, back when it wasnt a whipped Xbox studio, hosted a Make Something $1,000,000 Contest along with nVidia for the best UT2004 mods. When will you see something like this on a console?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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I don't know... I'm not a huge PC gamer (I only really like Civilization and a few of the Will Wright games). When I installed Spore, I encountered drivers problems and it didn't prevent me from the playing the game. Actually, I'm surprised I can run Spore on my laptop with an onboard graphic card.

Also, a PC is way superior to a 360/PS3 as a living room media center. It can do everything they can but better. You can even buy a blu-ray for your computer.

The only thing that prevents me from really playing games on PC is that I'm not into the usual PC games. I prefer JRPG and local multiplayer games. That's why I have a Wii, 360 and DS.

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Not a pain at all. I just got a good gaming computer for peanuts. Well, it is kind of a pain to see that your alarm clock is about to ring and you haven't slept all night due those damn strategy-games. :D

The real problem with PC gaming is that when I turn on my comp to play a game I end up on forum or reading articles....