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I have two roommates that each pay $300 as well. Given the housing market I'm in, and how little other stuff I get from my landlord, it actually isn't *that* great. But, hey, I couldn't have gotten *much* better, and this was the easiest way to find an apartment.

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HappySqurriel said: You only pay $300 rent? My rent is $1154/month for a 500 square foot shit hole ...
I pay 410$/month for my 875/sq foot house. And that isnt rent.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Funny, you told everyone you had a $2000 tv and 2 $1000 puppies. So, looks like you were lying.... (BTW: DNIE does nothing for colors, it only boost contrast and makes the image look like crap by inducing black and white crush)
After taxes, the TV was ~1980$. After taxes the 1000$ puppy was about 1100$ and after GETTING the 350$ puppy he was about 900$. So once agaian. I am right. Your not.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Kwaad said: I pay 410$/month for my 875/sq foot house. And that isnt rent.
Which probably explains why you can afford all of that stuff ... PS. I hate you

Just Purchased Didn't Feel like saving for the XBR2, I'll probably be mad at myself after the first lamp burns out.

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723

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Kwaad said:After taxes, the TV was ~1980$. After taxes the 1000$ puppy was about 1100$ and after GETTING the 350$ puppy he was about 900$. So once agaian. I am right. Your not.
I'm deeply sorry for not knowing every minute detail of your life. Speaking of which, how does a $350 dollar dog turn into ~$900? If you're factoring in expenses after you purchased him, than your being highly deceitful. But that aside, I'm just glad you don't lie in your post to get people angry or to incite humorous responses. I'm also glad that your sharp as a tack, and let nothing get past you, especially humor.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

You should be sorry, you fuel.

No, the dog was 350$ and we had to drive 800 (one way)miles to pick it up. Factor in the 1 night hotel stay. Add my gas factor, that's 200$ gas, 100$ hotel, 100$ food bill. Holy crap. we quickly jump to 750$. without taxes. Add taxes, and vehicle wear. Your looking at over 1000$. EDIT: sieanr - can you please pick a signature smaller than that as well. I have broadband, and it chokes my connection. the file is over 700k. If someone was on dialup it would KILL their connection for at least 5 minutes... and if they press 'refresh' and it re-loads the image, that's at least another 5 minutes. Talk about being a jackass.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

staticneuron said: Just Purchased Didn't Feel like saving for the XBR2, I'll probably be mad at myself after the first lamp burns out.
EDIT: Getting ready for Motorstorm? :P Beautiful Screen. However as a personal preference. (and the fact I have a small house) I love panels. so, the 40inch LCD. But That is one of the best looking 50+ inch screens for value. That is what I paid for my 40inch. I just never have had good experiences with Any type of projection screen. My main room is bright. A huge window takes up half one wall, and then a smaller window takes half of another wall. HORRIBLE for trying to use a TV. Why I settled for the screen I have. It's F*king bright. At night I actually turn the brightness WAAY down. Because it lights the room up more than a 60watt light. :P When I turn the brightness down, it puts out about as much light as a 'normal' TV. :P But in a room that bright, you have to do something. EDIT: Why does no-one mention my 1.50$ rat?

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Again Kwaad, sorry for not knowing everything about you, but at least you respond. EDIT: Fixed things for you Kwaad EDIT #2: Does no one want to hear about my expensive laptop? Its more exciting than a rat! EDIT #3: What's funny about this topic? My friends tell me I'm gullible all the time, so maybe you're just trying to string me along.... or is there something I'm missing, possibly sarcasm?

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"