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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox 360 IN JAPAN!!!!!!!

FF XIII would be the one game that could really boost 360 sales in Japan, they need that to happen, if they could get a footing in Japan they could get a lot more sales all around as Japan is a relatively untapped market for them.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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ironically it wont boost nothing in japan but PS3 sales ....

Who cares if this happens? I don't think the 360 install base in Japan is enough for it to matter [in regards to the PS3] and I don't understand why they wouldn't just release it on 360 in Japan anyway. When has more money been a problem?

FF XIII versus might be on X360 as well, i wouldn't rule that out.

psrock said:
Squilliam said:
psrock said:
starcraft said:
psrock said:
Starcraft, what did I say about misleading us? Stop that.

You steal DMeisterJ, then expect consideration?




 You could'nt compete and I have something he love that you don't have.

Your virginity?


no, it's black, it's big and quite powerful.


You used Mr. T to lure him over?  I thought he was dead.

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This is almost as news worthy as the LBP going to PC crap. Kotaku = viral marketing for.......

"FF XIII versus might be on X360"
I don't think Sony will let it happen again
If it happen then is good to everyone

Versus WILL be on 360. Why would vs be any different than XIII. They said the same shit about XIII. It all depends on the moneys which broke sony doesnt have

Jason77 said:
FF XIII versus might be on X360
I don't think Sony will let it happen again
If it happen then is good to everyone

Bad for Sony, and therefore, not good.


Good for sony since they have shares in Square Enix and the more games sales the better. Its not a clear cut situation unfortunately.