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Forums - Sales Discussion - So, seems like it's well accepted that...

4 ≈ One

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selnor said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Millennium said:
Sony's 10-year plan is BS. Mark my words: we'll see a PS4 released in late 2011, with announcements likely starting in late 2009.


why is that so hard to believe? If sony came out with another system in a couple of years what exactly would it do?

Would it not include Blu Ray?No, that would be stupid, as they have already invested WAY to much into to just forsake it in the middle of it's term. What could they add? Nothing, because the PS3 ALREADY HAS EVERYTHING A CONSOLE WOULD EVER NEED! If they came out with another system it would not have anything new to bring to the forefront. A 10year plan is the only option, as that is when BD will have been dominant for sometime then and they can bring in something new.

It is rediculous (on the verge of stupid) to believe sony would do anything other then stick to there 10 year plan. They have invested TOO MUCH into BD, and the PS3 already has the most superior hardware of current gen. If they came out with PS4 it would HAVE to be basically the same IDENTICAL system. To bring out another system now would be lputting the whole company into bankruptcy. If they did they would be right back from where they started from, struggling to get recognition.

Why does no one think of these things before spouting nonesense?

Sony is in no position at current to consider the 10 year lifespan. The console in terms of best sales this gen has been slaughtered by the wii which came out the same time give or take a few months. Also lets not get into the PS3 having best specs again, because based on different facts and opinions by devs the 360 is superior in areas and PS3 in others. The end result in graphics will be the same. Based on games the PS3 is the least varied system available and looks that way from E3 with the mass of shooters it's concentrating on. All consoles hardware is pretty outdated now compared to PC, and in 5 years the PS3 will look very outdated.



The mass of shooters at E3 for SONY??? THERE WERE ONLY 3 AT THE CONFRENCE FOR PS3!!!???
Resistance 2, Socom and MAG

And they have only how many coming by March 09???
Resistance 2
Killzone 2

That's a Mass of shooters???!! Their releases are spaced out by atleast 1 month each right????
Socom - September
Resistance 2 - November
Killzone 2 - Feb 09
MAG - Spring 09

And how many other games are between the releases????

White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Nauto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Tekken 6
Little Big Planet
Valkyria Chronicles

And a bunch of others that I won't both typing, go to the exclusive list of ps3 games thread if you wanna know more...

It's quite clear that you don't like SONY to me [that's how it seems to me] but please refrain from speaking out of your ass....


4 ≈ One

selnor said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Millennium said:
Sony's 10-year plan is BS. Mark my words: we'll see a PS4 released in late 2011, with announcements likely starting in late 2009.


why is that so hard to believe? If sony came out with another system in a couple of years what exactly would it do?

Would it not include Blu Ray?No, that would be stupid, as they have already invested WAY to much into to just forsake it in the middle of it's term. What could they add? Nothing, because the PS3 ALREADY HAS EVERYTHING A CONSOLE WOULD EVER NEED! If they came out with another system it would not have anything new to bring to the forefront. A 10year plan is the only option, as that is when BD will have been dominant for sometime then and they can bring in something new.

It is rediculous (on the verge of stupid) to believe sony would do anything other then stick to there 10 year plan. They have invested TOO MUCH into BD, and the PS3 already has the most superior hardware of current gen. If they came out with PS4 it would HAVE to be basically the same IDENTICAL system. To bring out another system now would be lputting the whole company into bankruptcy. If they did they would be right back from where they started from, struggling to get recognition.

Why does no one think of these things before spouting nonesense?

Sony is in no position at current to consider the 10 year lifespan. The console in terms of best sales this gen has been slaughtered by the wii which came out the same time give or take a few months. Also lets not get into the PS3 having best specs again, because based on different facts and opinions by devs the 360 is superior in areas and PS3 in others. The end result in graphics will be the same. Based on games the PS3 is the least varied system available and looks that way from E3 with the mass of shooters it's concentrating on. All consoles hardware is pretty outdated now compared to PC, and in 5 years the PS3 will look very outdated.




One just has to love the spin that people will put on things, instead of admitting they own inferior hardware. I did not say the 360 was crap or anything, just that it is not as powerful as the PS3. And as far as I have seen the balance of which is greater goes "They are Even"<"PS3 is Stronger". None say "The 360 is Stronger". This means that some can see that the PS3 is Superior while others can only see that the PS3 is equal which if you want to be objective, says that it is somewher inbetween,which in the end means the PS3 is superior hardware. And Graphics are not EVERYTHING, there are more important things in a game then Graphics that the PS3 can simply do better.

Like I stated before, Sony has no other alternative but to tough out there 10 year plan. For better or for worse. It will probably be for the better as they have set themselves in a position to last longer than its competition. Even if the 360 and Wii go into there nxt systems, that does not end the generation. It does not end till the last man has given up and has no choice but to upgrade it's strategy(PS2). The PS3, as the last man standing will surely survive as a middle spec console in the next gen and dominate from there. If WII and 360 give up before than they surrender all of there game selection to the PS3 by default. Yet that is only if the Wii and 360 drop out early as they did last gen.

If they stay in for the whole ride with Sony, then first place is shakey but 2nd is assured. The 360 was never meant to survive that long...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

ClaudeLv250 said:
B-b-b-b-b-but 10 year plan!


Quit trolling.



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