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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii selling faster then SNES in Japan

Tales of Endlessness is most likely going to be a PS3 exclusive. Boo Hoo Hoo. I care about games. I am infact playing a Tales RIGHT NOW. Edit: What are you doing right now besides useing 1liner troll posts? Possibly playing a game? or would you just be more intrested in well... being a troll. *hands the troll club to sieanr* You deserve it more than me.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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I wont hand this generation to the Wii, because the PS3 is an animal. The 360, is a online circus.
At the very least in Japan, I don't think the PS3 has any chance anymore. This week is the turning point, imho. The PS3 had a high profile game, yet it barely moved hardware. The Wii actually rose by 13,000 units without any game release at all, a sure sign of supply constraints and fervor demand, and it still manages to outsell the PS3 at least 3.5 to 1(with weekly consistencies of at least 3-1). If Nintendo plays their cards right, the Wii has the potential to be even bigger than the DS in Japan. The DS took almost a year before it took its stride but the Wii seems to be outperforming it already at the same point in thier respective lifetimes. If it outsells the PS3 by at least 2 to 1, there is a great chance of a FFXIII Wii Spinoff. But, if current trends continue and supply constraints are evened out(potential 5 to 1 ratio sell through), FFXIII exclusivity switched to the Wii might not be that far off at all. It's farfethced right now, but hey, weirder things have happened(like...DQIX going to the DS). I won't be surprised if it comes true.

FFXIII won't be a Wii exclusive. Square-Enix has already put a lot of work into a PS3 version, they're not going to just scrap that and start over. I wouldn't be surprized if we saw a port, a la Viewtiful Joe, however.

We will see for sure when Gundam Musou comes out soon for PS3, and I'll admit it looks to be a fairly good Gundam game. :) Remember Japan is extremely fanatic for Gundam, even the god-awful Gundam Crossfire from PS3's launch had numbers too good for a game of it's level. -_-

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

Kwaad said:Edit: What are you doing right now besides useing 1liner troll posts? Possibly playing a game? or would you just be more intrested in well... being a troll. *hands the troll club to sieanr* You deserve it more than me.
Wait. you don't like trolls Speaking of witch. itunes has 1080p trailers. With far more those than PSN. And. Since the main selling point of conolses. Is playing movie triales. Computers. Are superior. Becuase. Movie trailers. Are my main source of intertainment.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

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If you buy a 600$ console for a figher game. There's something wrong with you. Wait till the high-profile March games start coming. Untill then. Stop saying the Wii will outsell the PS3 5to1 at the end of the year. Because if you think it will... If the european launch launches with 1million... and then NOT A SINGLE PS3 is sold worldwide... till the end of 2007... That would be 5to1. It's gonna be more like... 1:1.3 from the highest. to the Lowest. NOT 1:5 Think of your math numbers. Do you think sony will let the PS3 fail like the GC, did? Sony is not competing with the Wii. How many times has that been said? Most Wii people will end up getting a PS3/360. That is the cold hard truth. I have a PS3/Wii. I want a 360. I'll buy a used model after the price drops for like 200$.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

sieanr said: Kwaad said:Edit: What are you doing right now besides useing 1liner troll posts? Possibly playing a game? or would you just be more intrested in well... being a troll. *hands the troll club to sieanr* You deserve it more than me. Wait. you don't like trolls Speaking of witch. itunes has 1080p trailers. With far more those than PSN. And. Since the main selling point of conolses. Is playing movie triales. Computers. Are superior. Becuase. Movie trailers. Are my main source of intertainment.
Mind if you tell me where? I just downloaded Itunes to get my 1080p trailers... I cant seem to find them. EDIT: The only ones I can find are MUCH lower than DVD. EDIT2: *Sigh* guess I go back to my PS3 for watching move trailers... as nothing you spew at me works. EDIT3: Actually Itunes dosent even have a NORMAL trailer for any of the BluRay trailers that are on the PS3. And by that I mean... it dosent even have the below DVD quality trailers.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

We really have to help Kwaad get a blog so he can use that to update us on his local Walmart's console stock(which can be summed up as blah, blah, ps3 is outselling all other systems, blah, blah). And he can fill us in on his daily ever growing uses of the ps3. (Here's an entry for you: Since it's the largest console it actually makes the best stepping stool to reach high shelves!) And for the love of god man whether you play your Wii or not just dust the thing off every now and again, all that dust you talk of is simply not healthy for you or your 1,000 dollar dogs.

Kwaad said: sieanr said: Kwaad said:Edit: What are you doing right now besides useing 1liner troll posts? Possibly playing a game? or would you just be more intrested in well... being a troll. *hands the troll club to sieanr* You deserve it more than me. Wait. you don't like trolls Speaking of witch. itunes has 1080p trailers. With far more those than PSN. And. Since the main selling point of conolses. Is playing movie triales. Computers. Are superior. Becuase. Movie trailers. Are my main source of intertainment. Mind if you tell me where? I just downloaded Itunes to get my 1080p trailers... I cant seem to find them. EDIT: The only ones I can find are MUCH lower than DVD. EDIT2: *Sigh* guess I go back to my PS3 for watching move trailers... as nothing you spew at me works. EDIT3: Actually Itunes dosent even have a NORMAL trailer for any of the BluRay trailers that are on the PS3. And by that I mean... it dosent even have the below DVD quality trailers. Direct link. Apple 1080p trailers. (pro tip: its in the section labled HD. And every one is available. In 1080p.) EDIT #1: Also. Notace how this page sayies itunes HD in the top right. Because. You can get them. In the traler section of itunes. EDIT #2: Oh look. That Astrounaught farmer 1080p. And it's not on PSN! But. Their is no way apple has the same high qualitey 1080p. Only PS3 can handel true HD. PC and Mac arnt animal enough. EDIT #3: I guess only sony can make things SIMPLE enough to use. Because. Apple has really CONFUSING software that is. DIFFICULT. To use. *meh* EDIT #4: Anyone think Kwaad will respond to this?

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Kwaad said: Think of your math numbers.
The Wii is still constrained by supply but it is still outselling the PS3 at least 3:1 without any game releases at all. I was just highballing the 5:1 figure considering that we don't know how high the actual demand is. I don't even know why you factored in the European numbers. I was talking talking about the Japanese market alone, probably the only market where a 5:1 Wii-PS3 ratio is likely to happen more than anywhere else.
fishamaphone said: FFXIII won't be a Wii exclusive. Square-Enix has already put a lot of work into a PS3 version, they're not going to just scrap that and start over.
I did say if the extraordinary selling power of the Wii over the PS3 continues. I wouldn't put it past SE to completely scrap a project if PS3 sales continue to stay at the 20k level, while the Wii can potentially to sell more than 100k a week(it isn't doing it now because of supply shortages). After all, they would have nothing to lose to completely scrap a project and start on the Wii because its so cheap to develop on it, especially if the install base is overwhelming. I would think the profit margin is higher and would reach a wider audience in Japan. It is unprecedented, but so is the Wii.