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I wont hand this generation to the Wii, because the PS3 is an animal. The 360, is a online circus.
At the very least in Japan, I don't think the PS3 has any chance anymore. This week is the turning point, imho. The PS3 had a high profile game, yet it barely moved hardware. The Wii actually rose by 13,000 units without any game release at all, a sure sign of supply constraints and fervor demand, and it still manages to outsell the PS3 at least 3.5 to 1(with weekly consistencies of at least 3-1). If Nintendo plays their cards right, the Wii has the potential to be even bigger than the DS in Japan. The DS took almost a year before it took its stride but the Wii seems to be outperforming it already at the same point in thier respective lifetimes. If it outsells the PS3 by at least 2 to 1, there is a great chance of a FFXIII Wii Spinoff. But, if current trends continue and supply constraints are evened out(potential 5 to 1 ratio sell through), FFXIII exclusivity switched to the Wii might not be that far off at all. It's farfethced right now, but hey, weirder things have happened(like...DQIX going to the DS). I won't be surprised if it comes true.