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Forums - General Discussion - Russia Invades Georgia

Mr Bubbles:

kamil, you cant annex your own territory. and the ossetian rebels violated a cease fire provoking a heavy reaction from georgia..

So find a better word for attacking a region which has its own goverment and which people don't want their territory to be a part of attacking side. I personally think annex is pretty good word.
It's actually controversial whether Georgian attack was provoked or not (and they are the one that broke cease fire) but I'm assumint that when someone hates Russia he will know better no matter the facts.

russia is the one that wants to annex georgian territory. russia has been arming these rebels for a while now.

I'm pretty sure you have no knowledge of of Russian ambitions, you don't understand them and their intentions and you simply made up that claim.

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It's kind of hard for Georgia not to retaliate when South Ossetia rebels were the ones to fire first.

I don't believe it's "coincidence" that South Ossetia broke the cease fire, and attacked Georgia, provoking huge retaliation, thus in turn, getting Russia to start bombing the crap out of Georgia.

Perhaps if you have known that Szaakaszwili have been saying about re-unititing Georgia with republics that don't want to be part of Georgia for some time you would have other view on the matter. It is also not certain if Ossetian actually provked the attack or not.

After all, how could Georgia be shooting down Russian bombers if they clearly weren't deep into Georgian airspace?

Of course Russia should stay quiet and let Georgian artillery destroy South Ossetia citiees.

South Ossetia actually wants to be united with North Ossetia that is part of Russia. I'm assuming that they wouldn't mind if newly created republic would be part of Russia (lots of them have accepted Russian passports, some say even up to 90% of population).

They don't want to be part of Georgia and they were de facto an independent country before they were attacked by Georgia but most of the other countries didn't recognize them.

Now Ukraine, former USSR territory, is threatening Russia to block their ships when they come back from Georgia to their naval-base in another break-away territory near Ukraine. Hmmm... And the UN can't do nothing because Russia has a veto in the counsil...

I've never quite understood that... How the UN can work to keep peace when you've got the 5 strongest nations in the world that can neglect the outcome of the counsil by using their Veto... But maybe that's just me.

I believe Ukraine is also really looking to become a more Western country nowadays... Having rather close contact with the NAVO-countries and willing to accept a rocket-shield from the US on their territory.

Putin on the other hand has made sure that Medvedev would win the ellections by using illegal means and keeping people who monitor the elections at bay. Medvedev, who should actually be the new leader of Russia, is being controlled by their party-leader who actually is Putin... Who has been seated on another high function. So you could practically say Putin is a dictator, who is looking to regain control of the break-away territories they've lost during 1991, when the USSR fell apart.

And now that the whole thing is escalating, and the EU dependant on most of Russia's gas-reserves. This could not end well!


In my mind, there's only one big question now... Will Russia contain their ground fighting to Ossetia and Abkhazia, or will they invade the rest of Georgia by ground?

If they do the latter, then the shit has to hit the fan...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Georgia says it has ordered its forces to cease fire and called for negotations, but according to Russia there is still fighting:


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

What about the neighbouring countries? My geography is hazy but isnt Turkey in there somewhere? Arent they going to assist the beleagured Georgians?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
What about the neighbouring countries? My geography is hazy but isnt Turkey in there somewhere? Arent they going to assist the beleagured Georgians?

Turkey is part of NATO, so if Turkey gets involved, all NATO is involved. Not a good thought.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

colonelstubbs said:
What about the neighbouring countries? My geography is hazy but isnt Turkey in there somewhere? Arent they going to assist the beleagured Georgians?


They probably don't give a fuck about Georgia and Azerbadjan is to scared for war.

It must really suck to be Georgian right now then

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot