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Now Ukraine, former USSR territory, is threatening Russia to block their ships when they come back from Georgia to their naval-base in another break-away territory near Ukraine. Hmmm... And the UN can't do nothing because Russia has a veto in the counsil...

I've never quite understood that... How the UN can work to keep peace when you've got the 5 strongest nations in the world that can neglect the outcome of the counsil by using their Veto... But maybe that's just me.

I believe Ukraine is also really looking to become a more Western country nowadays... Having rather close contact with the NAVO-countries and willing to accept a rocket-shield from the US on their territory.

Putin on the other hand has made sure that Medvedev would win the ellections by using illegal means and keeping people who monitor the elections at bay. Medvedev, who should actually be the new leader of Russia, is being controlled by their party-leader who actually is Putin... Who has been seated on another high function. So you could practically say Putin is a dictator, who is looking to regain control of the break-away territories they've lost during 1991, when the USSR fell apart.

And now that the whole thing is escalating, and the EU dependant on most of Russia's gas-reserves. This could not end well!