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Forums - General Discussion - Russia Invades Georgia

halogamer1989 said:
colonelstubbs said:
DTG said:
colonelstubbs said:
How long before Team America is called?


 Russia has a larger nuclear stockpile than America. It is also on very friendly terms with China which is the worlds newest superpower. It would be suicidal for America to engage the situation when it cannot even prevail against a bunch of children and grandpa's carrying home made bombs in Iraq.



DTG you are in need of a ban.  The US is facing more than that and the real threat is in Afghanistan near the Kush mtns.  Iraq is doing well now.



Agreed.  Why do we have to turn this into a "Russia has the most nukes and can ally with China and totally defeet the American bastards".  Please.  None of that is going to happen.  China and the US are so integrated economically, going to war would be in no one's best interest, let alone Russia vs the US.  Also China is am EMERGING superpower, not a full superpower yet, they are still a developing country and doing quite well to improve the living conditions of their people. 

I'm getting sick of anyone asserting one countries dominance over another.  We can argue for hours about who would win what war against another.  Plus the American Army has already admitted to making some mistakes in the Iraq war, but the main problem was the insurgency, not the actual invasion, which didn't last long.  My father was right f***in there during the 2003 invasion, he told me some interesting stories about it.  I don't want to hear shit dissing our troops and their efforts.

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Who needs a larger stockpile of nukes when a handful can destroy an entire country.

DTG said:
Griffin said:
DTG said:
colonelstubbs said:
How long before Team America is called?


 Russia has a larger nuclear stockpile than America. It is also on very friendly terms with China which is the worlds newest superpower. It would be suicidal for America to engage the situation when it cannot even prevail against a bunch of children and grandpa's carrying home made bombs in Iraq.


Nukes have no really use since the US has the power to send the entire world back to the stone age.  They also have the ability to pump out nuclear missiles at an alariming rate if they need to.  The US army is made to fight other armies not go door to door looking for old women who hide AK's and bombs under their clothes.  The US is the worlds biggest military power and no other countries have the power to match what the US can do.

The US couldn't win in Vietnam and it can't win in Iraq. While it has the largest military budget the US military is all but incapable of winning wars. The Chinese military budget is expected to surpass the US military budget by 2025. Russia's military though downsized is still very powerful capable of operating on a global scale. While the US can send the world back into a stone age Russia can do that ten times over with a larger nuclear stockpile than the us. It's called MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. If the US were to attack Russia then both countries would invariably be sent back a few thousand years under a hail of nuclear weapons. The US can only attack and possibly prevail against countries that do not have the nuclear power to murder millions of civilians in the US homeland. Russia and China do not need to answer to the public, both are more or less authoritarian, The US pulic however would not allow it's government to sacrifice millions of lives in a pointless war.


The Vietnam war was essentially unwinnable.  North Vietnam was recieving the majority of its arms (particularly aircraft, like Migs) from China, and there were plenty of Chinese soldiers fighting under the North Vietnamese flag, often attacking US forces in South Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia.  Without taking on China themselves, the North Vietnamese could never have been fully defeated by the US.  Even if we had somehow managed to take control of the entire region, we would've ended up right on the Chinese border, causing the conflict to escalate much further.


No on see the correlation here? It's obvious that there's a war for every affairs exposed.
So, the lesson is that no affairs should be revealed and the world will be at peace.

MrBubbles said:
russia has bombed "key facilities for shipping oil to the West. " why in the world would they need to do that i wonder?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they're an oil exporter? Just a wild guess ;)

But where did you read that?

EDIT - found it already. I wonder if it's true (it's all according to Georgia sources if I understand correctly):


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Oh shit. This conflict has just reached a new level.

The Russians are attacking areas outside of South Ossetia, that is bad. Real bad. I don't support either side in this conflict - I believe the Georgian oppression of S.Ossetia is wrong and even more so that Russia invading Georgia is wrong.

(If this post seems strange it is because I have had two bottles of wine.)

Edit: And yeah, it seems that Russia has bombed some pipelines of oil from the Capsian. Attempt to hurt the Georgian economy?

Rath said:

Oh shit. This conflict has just reached a new level.

The Russians are attacking areas outside of South Ossetia, that is bad. Real bad. I don't support either side in this conflict - I believe the Georgian oppression of S.Ossetia is wrong and even more so that Russia invading Georgia is wrong.

(If this post seems strange it is because I have had two bottles of wine.)

Edit: And yeah, it seems that Russia has bombed some pipelines of oil from the Capsian. Attempt to hurt the Georgian economy?

I posted something earlier which was even worse than that - reports of a military base attacked near Tbilisi, and an attacked port in western Georgia (very far from Ossetia).

Now, regarding the pipelines... That's where it starts to get serious on a global level. That pipeline is the only one feeding Europe which doesn't pass through either Russia or Iran. Unfortunately the world is addicted to dirty oil, so that brings the conflict to a whole new level. If Russia did that, they're clearly provoking the EU and USA.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

iron_megalith said:
They messed with Russia so it's going to get ugly..... XC


well if they mess with georgia to much then america will mess with russian then we are all fucked



Yeah, Georgia just declared a state of war. Doesn't look like there will be any quick resolution to this short of Russia flat out raping Georgia.

TBLISI, Georgia (CNN) -- Georgia declared a state of war Saturday as fierce battles with Russia military over the breakaway region of South Ossetia entered their second day.
A burning appartment building, damaged by a Russian airstrike is seen the northern Georgian town of Gori.

A burning appartment building, damaged by a Russian airstrike is seen the northern Georgian town of Gori.

Russia has launched a full-scale military invasion of Georgia, President Mikhail Saakashvili said during a brief news conference Saturday afternoon.

"We are dealing with absolutely criminal and crazy acts of irresponsible and reckless decision makers, which is on the ground producing dramatic and tragic consequences," Saakashvili said.

Saakashvili compared the Russian invasion, which he called unprovoked, to the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

President George W. Bush called for an immediate halt to the fighting saying the United States is "deeply concerned."

"We have urged an immediate halt to the violence and a standown by all troops, and call for end to the Russian bombings and a return by the parties to the status quo of August the sixth," he said in a statement Saturday.

Russian paratroopers entered the capital of South Ossetia on Saturday as part of a military operation that Russia said was intended to force the Georgian side to cease fire.

Separatist-backed South Ossetian sources reported about 1,600 people have died and 90 have been wounded in the capital of Tskhinvali after two days of fighting, but Georgian officials said the figure was inflated. The Georgians said they didn't have their own death toll, but it would likely be closer to 100.

Inna Gagloyeva, the spokeswoman for the South Ossetian Information and Press Committee, told the Interfax news agency the capital was being "massively shelled" with artillery guns.

It was also unclear which side was in control of Tskhinvali on Saturday, with the Georgian side saying fighting still raged but the Russians saying they have "liberated" the city.

"Battalion task forces have fully liberated Tskhinvali of Georgian armed forces and started pushing Georgian units out of the area of responsibility of the peacekeeping forces," said General Vladimir Boldyrev, commander of the Russian Ground Forces, in an interview with Interfax.

Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, told a news conference that the paratroopers will "implement the operation of enforcing peace" on both sides.

Nogovitsyn also confirmed that Georgians had shot down two Russian aircraft.

Russia said the troops were also reinforcing the Russian peacekeepers already in South Ossetia.

"Our peacekeepers, along with reinforcement units, are currently conducting an operation to force the Georgian side to accept peace," Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said at the Kremlin, according to the RIA-Novosti news agency. "They are also responsible for protecting the population."

Interfax said 15 peacekeepers were killed in the Friday attack by Georgian troops. Russia has opened a criminal probe into their deaths, Interfax reported.

Georgia, a former Soviet Republic, is a pro-Western ally of the United States intent on asserting its authority over South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which both have strong Russian-backed separatist movements.

Russia moved troops into South Ossetia early Friday after Georgia launched an operation in the breakaway region when its unilateral cease-fire was met with what it said was artillery fire from separatists that killed 10 people, including peacekeepers and civilians. Video Watch images of crashed Georgian war plane »

Russia charged that Georgia had targeted its peacekeepers stationed in the region. Video Watch Georgian minister describe fighting in South Ossetia »

Medvedev said Saturday that Georgia must be held responsible for the situation in South Ossetia.

"The people responsible for this humanitarian disaster need to be held liable for what they have done," Medvedev said. He said the humanitarian problems were caused by "the aggression launched by the Georgian side against the South Ossetian civilians and Russian peacekeepers."

Russian officials said more than 30,000 refugees have left South Ossetia and crossed into Russia over the past two days, since fighting began, Interfax reported.

A Red Cross official in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi was unable to provide refugee or casualty figures Saturday morning because she said aid workers were still gathering information and visiting hospitals in South Ossetia and western Georgia, where she said two towns suffered damage overnight.

Maia Kardava, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross delegation in Tbilisi, said Russian forces bombarded military and civilian targets the port town of Poti, on Georgia's Black Sea coast. Georgian officials said eight Georgians were killed in the port town.

In the town of Senaki, just inland from Poti, Russian forces damaged a railway line, a military base, and a center housing civilians who fled from nearby Abkhazia, another breakaway Georgian region.

The Georgian town of Gori, about 35 miles northwest of Tbilisi, came under attack from Russian aircraft, Georgian officials said.

Inside South Ossetia, civilians have been without water, electricity, and basic services for more than a day, Kardava said. She said the Red Cross was unable to reach colleagues based in Tskhinvali because their phones had lost power and they were huddled in bomb shelters.

Also Saturday, the commander of Georgian troops stationed in Iraq said the 2,000 soldiers currently there will be withdrawn from Iraq "very soon."

Colonel Bondo Maisuradze said the United States would provide the transport to get them out of Iraq. He said he had no timeframe for the move.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

And this once again shows the ridiculous system that is the UN security council. Whenever a permanent member goes to war the council is powerless due to the veto and the only time it really gets dangerous is when a permanent member goes to war!

Or when China or Germany does but that's another matter.