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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Newsflash! Wii Sports not as good at weighloss as real sports! Who knew?

damn it this the last straw i'm selling my wii !!! I thought playing wii sports baseball was going to make me hit like A-rod and playing golf would make me putt like Tiger Woods :(.

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So... I am a professional surgeon?

Huzzah! Scalpel please, I'm ready!

Their next study which reveals that real life hoolahooping burns more calories than wii fit hoolahooping.


not sure about that...

but yeah, do u actually need a study for this??

Paul said:
Their next study which reveals that real life hoolahooping burns more calories than wii fit hoolahooping.

I have to disagree..........watching that girl hoolahooping could possibly help me burn more calories than hoolahooping myself...........

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Well, this is some quantification.
I hope next they provide us with CPM data on Wii Fit.

Also, while 7 CPM sounds good -- that's 420 cal/hour.
I have seen some fitness machines get me to more than twice that rate (though I really wondered about their accuracy).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


How can this be??? it doesn't seem logical!!!!

Compared to golfing at a driving range (3.9 calories per minute), playing Wii Golf burned 0.8 calories less per minute. Actual bowling burns nearly twice as much (7.2 calories per minute) as Wii Bowling, while baseball burns 7.3 calories per minute and Wii Baseball burns 2.8 calories per minute less. Similarly, Wii Tennis burns 2.8 calories per minute less than the actual game (8.1 calories per minute). Finally, Wii Boxing burns about 3.0 calories per minute less than conventional sparring at 10.2 calories per minute.

Boxing 10.2
Tennis 8.1
Baseball 7.3
Wii Boxing 7.2
Bowling 7.2
Wii tennis 5.3
Wii baseball 4.5
Golf 3.9
Wii Bowling >3.6
Wii Golf 3.1
Watching TV 1.6

I think that's some pretty decent stats for the Wii