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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Cliff Belinski and Jak and Daxter relation?

Anyone notice in Jak and Daxter that it looks surprisingly like Gears of War w/ the reavers and brumaks?

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Um... no.... Gears is third person over the shoulder shooter. Jak is 3rd person action adventure.... not over the shoulder... the guns aren't used in the same manner..... and I don't recall any vehicles ever being in gears1... Jak has those hover craft thingies. And the artistic direction is completely different. Jak is more of a cartoony artistic style where as gears seems more of a shiny yet more realist look....

They both look very different to me, especially combat wise.....

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:

I don't recall any vehicles ever being in gears1

Gears 1 has the junker.


Yeh I do actually, though I dare say that the monsters in the desert in Jak 3 are a lot weaker