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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What company would hurt the gaming industry the most...

you guys are all talking about big gaming companies, Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. But I don't think they will leave the gaming industry anytime soon.

The one company that I would think that would hurt the gaming industry is Bungie. If they left, there really is no Halo no more. And what would happen if there is no more Halo hype and more players for XBox? yep, its the end for MS. They will only have other named exclusives like GoW3, and Fable 3 left to help console sales.

But this is WHAT IF, I don't think Bungie will be leaving the industry if they can make millions off the Halo franchise.

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sony.. cause theyr t3h best.

Check out my game about moles ^

Sky Render said:
I see a lot of declarations of "Sony", yet the industry did just fine without them before. There's little to no reason to believe that gaming would not survive on other consoles if there were no PlayStation systems made. Sony did not do anything of note for the industry beyond take it over.

No, it's the loss of Nintendo that would hurt the industry the most. Nintendo resurrected the industry after American companies destroyed it in the early 1980s. They introduced every single sustaining innovation that made it so games could be better (not to be confused with sustaining innovations like the CD or DVD, which ultimately just made it so games could be bigger). Without Nintendo, the industry would have remained dead after 1984. Were Nintendo to leave and no company rise to fill the void of inventiveness that departure created, the industry would collapse within two generations of consoles due to sheer lack of innovation and due to the rehashing of old ideas with only minor updates. Just like it did in 1984.


in the snes era.

third parties could only publish 5 games each year, because nintendo made the cassettes they had to follow the rules

it was a total monopoly worse than microsoft in the pc market.

then sony came by, develop playstation from what was left in the joint venture with nintendo.

if it wasn't for them third party wouldn't grow up the where it is now.

ZenfoldorVGI said:


Yes, but losing the largest publisher, with the top two selling consoles in the industry would. Right now, Nintendo is expanding the industry. In my opinion, there is no doubt which company is more important.

You drop Sony, you lose a few games, the console and handheld, both in last place of their divisions, and Blu-Ray devices.

You drop Microsoft, you lose a lot of industry funding, no big loss there either.


You drop Nintendo, you lose the paradigm shift, which believe it or not, does exist. You lose mainstream acceptance and involvement in the industry, you lose a ton of that money that developers use to "fund core titles" and you lose once again, the top publisher in the world, according to revenue, gross and net, as well as gamerankings ratings.

Also, the symbol. For most people in the world(non gamers) when people drink softdrinks, they are still drinking "coke" when they are using tissue, they are still using "kleenex," when they are playing with building blocks, they are playing with "legos" and then they are playing Videogames, they are "playing Nintendo." Certainly not a deciding factor, but certainly icing on the cake.

Not to mention innovation.


So, what would we lose if Sony, for example, went out of the picture? A few games? What innovation would it cost the gaming industry? What paradigm shift would it hault? Would it stop the expansion of mainstream gaming? Would is destroy the "playstation symbol" in the eyes of the world?

I think we'd lose a few games, a great publisher, and a good console. Huge losses, to be sure, but recoverable. If we lost Nintendo. If another Zelda or Mario game was never going to be released....wouldn't that be a sad day for all people all over the world? Wouldn't it be like losing an old friend.

Bah. Maybe I'm just sentimental. Kids today probably don't care about Mario, or Zelda. They grew up playing Grand Theft Auto and Twisted Metal. It turns out that people become gamers for entirely different reasons. That's why there are different fanboy types. If people could have had my experience. If people could know the happiness I felt, when as a kid, my parents bought me a NES they were barely able to afford, and we stayed up playing Super Mario Brothers all night. If they knew how many years I played Duck Hunt, or how much fun I had playing Mike Tyson's Punchout on the NES, or when I first booted up Super Castlevania, FZero, Secret of Mana, or Link to the Past for the SNES....well, they'd be Nintendo fanboys too, lol.

I agree on your points with regards to consoles with regards to Sony and Microsoft - both are definately expendable especially as their offerings are very similar. I do disagree however that Nintendo is so important with regards to home consoles that it would be a disaster if they were to exit the market. It would hurt the market, yes, but it wouldn't kill it. The PS1/PS2 era proves quite nicely that the home console segment of the market doesn't need Nintendo. So while they are important (A bit more individually important than either Sony or Microsoft), they aren't critically important in that space. Its pretty daff to assume that other companies aren't able to innovate based upon just this current generation.

In the handheld space they are critically important. They define that market even more than Microsoft Windows defines PC gaming. So if the next generation Nintendo handheld doesn't arrive it would definately hurt that market quite considerably. Whilst the PSP does a decent job as competition, it couldn't expand and fill up the entire market like the DS can for instance.





I would say Nintendo, because they are the heart of the videogame consoles. Period. Microsoft and Sony are companies that come from other markets that are just looking for another dollar, but with Nintendo, it's just who they are.

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Million said:
Squilliam said:
The games industry could lose any one of the big three and it will still survive. Or to put it simply any one of the three are expendible.

Nintendo - Expendable, proven in the PS1/PS2 generation. Had they not existed then? It wouldn't have mattered.

Sony - Expendible, this generation and the ones before the N64 are proof of this.

Microsoft - Again, expendible.

The point is, the three players in the market have to constantly justify their existance to you the consumer. If they don't they will drop out, its as simple as that.

This is an industry where one or two players can expand and cover the whole market, much like the semiconductor industry. So the one who would drop out of the market would hurt it the least because at that time it would probably be the least relevant and influential in the market anyway. If you want proof, look at the exit of Sega! It hardly caused any ripples at all when they left.


Your ignoring the question most probably because the answer hurts you too much , the question wasn't "what company would kill the gaming industry dead with it's depature" was it ?. Of course any gaming company would be expendable but that's beside the point. Sony and Nintendo offer alot to this industry and have both invested heavily in the growth of the gaming industry , Microsoft tried to elbow their way in buying exclusivity , aggresivley dropping the prices of the consoles to the point where they're unlikely to be even profiting of it , released shoddy , poor quality hardware and so on.

This sounds like Sony.  Okay, maybe not the hardware and not to the extent Microsoft took things (huge losses), but their hardware was fine last gen and they had to take losses in order to secure some marketshare.  Otherwise, the two companies are very similar in how they approach videogaming - the current consoles, 360vPS3, are the best example.

The reason I say Nintendo is most important is because they've been the main innovator in the industry.  Sure, they did nothing in the days of GBA/GC, but I'd say they were just buying time until they could think up better ideas.  Sony, on the other hand, has yet to show us they can do something different.  Theyhaven't done much besides incremental improvements since the PS1, which works because it was such a success, and no console until the Wii tried anything different.  While they have been adding multimedia functions (DVD, Bluray, UMD, Movie downloads), I don't think that really helps the gaming industry, as it's sort of unrelated (look at the PSP).

I know you said Nintendo does not innovate, they merely find "gaps in the market."  I think it's the same thing, whatever you want to call it.  The Wii filled in a gap in the market.  Its motion controls, Wii Fit & advertising hit a gap in the market.  All of this leads to market growth, which is what is important.  If Konami never came up with DDR, or Harmonix with Guitar Hero, who knows what would have happened?  These "gaps in the market" aren't obvious, so it's very possible that if they never came up with them, nobody would have.  I think the PS1's strength was more obvious than the above (more freedom for third parties), but I wouldn't go so far as to say it would have been done by someone eventually.  Or... okay, maybe I do think so

In all fairness, the gaming industry is relatively young.  Sony has only given us 4 consoles so far (including the PSP), and been in the industry only 14 years.  Microsoft (for consoles) has seen half of that.  It's possible that after seeing the Wii other companies will wake up and get to innovating.  Time will tell.

P.S. I was kidding about Sony's main purpose as being a motivator for Nintendo, of course

We are talking about the whole gaming industry including consoles and PC gaming. Well if Microsoft gave up on supporting game developers the game industry would be in trouble. Microsoft do help developers who need money and MS does a lot for the gaming industry.

Even though im not a big fan , i have to say EA leaving the business might hurt the industry the most, as they have already assimilated many good to great studios.
Keep in mind that im assuming that after they close shop, nobody assosciated with EA works on a game again

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

.jayderyu said:
Million said:

You seem to claim a level of objectivity demonstrated in the way you put down everyone else analysis as inadequet. However you fail to justify many of the claims integral to your argument you just make unjustified assertions.


*bang* you are dead right on. There wasn't even a half hearted attempt to justify the claim. Nor was there intent too. Honestly it just comes to the point above. There are people who you can discuss topics with and there those you can't. See you noticed the intergral flaw of part of my post. That's why you and HappySquirrel were pointed out. You both spend the effort to undestand what is written and the intent. There are others of couse(Zenfolder....), but for shear raw amount of text in this topic I think you both have done alot. I'm not going to. Simply becuase regardless of my personal opions or actuall evidence that can be brought to the table it won't change anyone elses opinion. Well that's not entirely true. There are those like yourself that will starting working with it and see how it fits the model that your working with. That's just awesome.

I'm not going to spend a long length mini article to prove it. I believe even by a quick glance at the last few post. The OP still pretty much states the same intent that he did a the beggining. Is he taking any of the information that has he had the oppertunity to gather and work into his model of the industry. Maybe, if he has kudos, but the simplicity of the post makes me think otherwise.

"imo it would have to be sony, they have been an icon since ps1. yeah sure nintendo kept gaming alive in the most troubling times. but if it wasnt for sony i dont think nintendo would have taken gaming to disks for awhile, and then we wouldnt have any of the long awesome games we have now."

OK heres the interesting part that I'm sure everyone knows. Nintendo did try to take gaming to discs prior to the PS1. the NES had a Disk Drive 3.5 system. They allied with Sony to produce a disc system. They then teamed up with Phillips. If it wasn't for a double screwover by both companies(Nintendo & Sony) gaming would be better off overall. But notice how there is no mention of Nintendos previous attempt. Just a focus on the glorious Sony and it's impact now, but Nintendo is relgated to has been.

I won't say Nintendo is the only one that can do. It can be done by others, but the fact is this generation Nintendo took the firsts steps. Do we take that away from them. I wouldn't. Nor would I take away PS1 pushing gaming where it now. They both have there places in history, but were in the present now.

Anyways I like you Million :)

edit. right forgot to mention. Sorry for being an jerk. It has come off rather harsh. I will try to tone it down after this post though.

Hey i'm getting where your coming from , you make alot of sense with what you say , Vgchartz needs more posters like yourself.


i would say Sony because then nintendo wouldnt really have to try any more would they with like no competition