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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Honest question. If you had more than 1 RROD, why did you tolerate it?

This is an honest question from a non-360 owner about something that always puzzled me.  If you had more than 1 RROD incident on your 360 and still stuck with your 360, what made you do so?  I know that personally I would have accepted the first one as "just one of those things", but after the second, I would have no longer been a 360 owner.  Are there any former 360 owners out there that share my perspective and the RROD is the reason you are a "former" 360 owner?

The threat of the RROD is really the only thing that kept me from buying one (and still does).

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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I like having options, being able to buy whatever game I want to play regardless of what console it is on. I've started purchasing most multiplatform games on my PS3, but lets face it each console has exclusives that regardless of what console your a fan of, your gonna want.

dougsdad0629 said:

This is an honest question from a non-360 owner about something that always puzzled me.  If you had more than 1 RROD incident on your 360 and still stuck with your 360, what made you do so?  I know that personally I would have accepted the first one as "just one of those things", but after the second, I would have no longer been a 360 owner.  Are there any former 360 owners out there that share my perspective and the RROD is the reason you are a "former" 360 owner?

The threat of the RROD is really the only thing that kept me from buying one (and still does).

I'll comment, although I've only had one RROD happen to me...

And maybe it's just me..But the RROD is such an overblown deal. It's not like if you get it, you have to pay for it in any way other than missing 2 weeks of playing on your Xbox 360. In my case, thats 2 weeks out of the nearly 3 years I've owned my system (Launch X360 purchased on Nov 22 2005)..Not a bad deal. My N64 didn't even last that long.

In my case, my X360 was away for just 5 days (if that) for repairs. It took longer for me to decide to get my X360 fixed + get the "Coffin" (about 1 week) than it was to get my brand new X360 with the newest hardware fixes + freebies from Microsoft.

If mine RRODs again, why would I bother keeping the system? Answer: The Games.  It may come as a suprise, but I buy a video game system for interesting games. And the Playstation 3, nor Nintendo Wii have the games I want (JRPGs and WRPGs, with a little bit of simulation, sports and shooters on the side). Because of this I "have" to own a X360, as RPGs are my favorite genre, and I cannot afford a new computer every few years.  

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
dougsdad0629 said:

This is an honest question from a non-360 owner about something that always puzzled me.  If you had more than 1 RROD incident on your 360 and still stuck with your 360, what made you do so?  I know that personally I would have accepted the first one as "just one of those things", but after the second, I would have no longer been a 360 owner.  Are there any former 360 owners out there that share my perspective and the RROD is the reason you are a "former" 360 owner?

The threat of the RROD is really the only thing that kept me from buying one (and still does).

I'll comment, although I've only had one RROD happen to me...

And maybe it's just me..But the RROD is such an overblown deal. It's not like if you get it, you have to pay for it in any way other than missing 2 weeks of playing on your Xbox 360. In my case, thats 2 weeks out of the nearly 3 years I've owned my system (Launch X360 purchased on Nov 22 2005)..Not a bad deal. My N64 didn't even last that long.

In my case, my X360 was away for just 5 days (if that) for repairs. It took longer for me to decide to get my X360 fixed + get the "Coffin" (about 1 week) than it was to get my brand new X360 with the newest hardware fixes + freebies from Microsoft.

If mine RRODs again, why would I bother keeping the system? Answer: The Games.  It may come as a suprise, but I buy a video game system for interesting games. And the Playstation 3, nor Nintendo Wii have the games I want (JRPGs and WRPGs, with a little bit of simulation, sports and shooters on the side). Because of this I "have" to own a X360, as RPGs are my favorite genre, and I cannot afford a new computer every few years.

Exactly this ^





GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

i never even knew about the rrod until 2007 february......

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thread title kinda confusing.


I've had Rrod 3 times. Right now my internet is too slow for online gaming. But when I remedy that, I have nine months of free live as a gift because of my Rrod's.

Six weeks of no Xbox 360, nine months of live, best games of the generation.

Yeah I see you're point, I should throw the thing out.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It was under warranty and I wanted to play games with my friends. By the way most of my friends had their 360 rrdo and all went ahead and had it repaired. Of course most of them had lots of games so why not if you want to keep playing them especially since it was free. If it was any other piece of hardware that broke and it was under warranty wouldn't you send it back and get it fixed? Now if you had to play like 100 or 200 then I be a little ticked etc.


And I've had a lot of negative experiences with Sony products too, so 360 RRoD is not really a problem to me... (Plus I have two spare for when the moment happens).

With my negative Sony experiences, they never helped me, just said too bad... With RRoD, the two times I had to deal with it were in the same week. I shipped the two back and got them returned in two weeks without issues... (And afterwards, they accidentally sent me another one, so I shipped two back and got three in return!)...

My 360's are on a lot and and I haven't really had the same problems that many people are having (My two launch 360's still haven't RRoD'd)... Meanwhile 2 of my PS3's have bricked twice (1 time hardware, second time 2.40 upgrade, and my one and only Wii bricked once, both forcing me to buy new ones as warranties were up)... I don't find 360 to be that much more unreliable even though it is used way more then the other consoles.


I've had my N64 for more than 10 years, how did yours break in 3?

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."