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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Now EA's Single Biggest Bread-Winner,,,(best gaming selling platform)

heruamon said:

Any for this qtr, 360 is going to absolutely dominate for EA sales,


% difference will be less than the difference in the quarter just ending, in which PS3 spanked 360 hard.

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SpartanFX said:
crumas2 said:
Aj_habfan said:
heruamon said:

Any for this qtr, 360 is going to absolutely dominate for EA sales, so it's going to be intersting to see how that is discussed.



That's nice? Nobody is talking about next quarter, just get over it.

The problem is the title misleads.  When I first read it I thought the title was suggesting that EA is communicating that their PS3 sales have caught up to and surpassed their 360 and Wii sales, which suggests a trend.  There is a strong possibility that many factors have led to a "surge" in PS3 software sales for EA, lately, and that the PS3 sales percentage might fluctuate dramatically in the future.


The point of the OP appears to be stating that the PS3 is now EA's breadwinner, but this very possibly might not be a sustained pattern.



I hope you followed the link and saw that was not my title,,,,but rather kotaku's title. I just reported the news .

Yes, but the title is still misleading.


ok so EA got alot of revenue out of the ps3? but how does it makes it the "breadwinner"? they say a ps3 game cost alot more to make then a wii game.

so unleas we see some profit nr, then it is point less to debat over how is the "breadwinner".

I fail to see how this news is good for EA or sony when EA lost 95m......

It would appear that EA needs to get out of the red.

It would appear that EA needs to get out of the red.

I would like to see them die. But sadly they will have no problem going out of the red.

The next quarter is Madden quarter which will be really black.

And it hurts me to say but they have some cool games for the time after that lined up.

Spore, Dead Rising, Mirror's Edge. So EA will be fine, although I would like them to suffer and burn.

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Spore will bring them untold riches.  It is going to be insane.

Its a really spectacular jump for pS3 software.

Explanations ....well ,it could be that as Europe is more PS3 oriented (a lot more ,in fact)and the prices here are higher the revenue it generates is far greater.

Another explanations could be that piracy is starting to hurt the 360,but as its year on year numbers are good it cant be that.

Its just that the PS3 software is skyrocketing ,thats all.

Wow thats good didnt expect it but its good for ps3.


could it be that ea pays lower licencing to use ps3 than xbx360

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

This is a post from the neogaf board that explains the numbers. While the PS3 is still behind the 360 it is fairly even, as it should be.

from GAF member antipode:

"This is misleading - the PS3 is not dominating the 360 in revenue.

If you scroll down in that statement you will see the more accurate numbers in the "non-GAAP revenues" section, and the PS3 definitely does not lead the PS3.

Xbox 360: 81
PC: 70
PS3: 68
PS2: 40
Wii: 39
PSP: 26
DS: 21

Why the difference? EA bundles together the revenue for microtransactions together with the software - the revenue numbers above are not just from SKUs shipped to stores, but the actual and future expected values of online purchases for those games.

There is a big difference in how EA handles those numbers for the 360 and DS and all other platforms.

For the DS, there is no estimation necessary - there are no DS microtransactions. For the 360, there is a special case - EA feels that, by working with Microsoft, they can accurately gauge the total number of microtransactions that are going to occur for a title at the time it is shipped. This is probably because Microsoft shares with them online sales data for other titles - or perhaps Microsoft is delivering them money upfront and not on a per-sale basis.

For all other platforms, EA does not have confidence in what the microtransaction revenues will be at the time of shipment. So what EA has started doing this year is recognizing over a 6 to 9 month period the expected online revenue for these games. It does this only for the official GAAP revenue numbers. For the non-GAAP numbers - EA continues to estimate the microtransaction value as the game is shipped, because they will not be audited for those numbers.

So why is the GAAP PS3 revenue number this quarter so large? It's not because they are getting more money from PS3 games sold in stores than the 360. It's because estimated microtransaction values of PS3 games sold Christmas last year are still showing up in the official revenue numbers this quarter - but the 360 revenue numbers recognized those values when the games were sold 2 quarters ago.