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Forums - Sales Discussion - Leo-J: 'ps3-19-23mllion(will not go below 120k WW any week in 08)'

Sqrl said:

I'm wondering if the people who are annoyed by this thread have seriously considered the possibility that it does break 13,518 in Japan? Neos put himself on the line by making the thread before it was a lock, I think this might actually be a situation where the crow-eating thread might need a revival.

PS - Some good natured ribbing isn't a horrible thing guys, lighten up and remember that the mods are here to keep things civil not boring.

It wasn't really the ribbing part that bothered me, I like Neos he's a decent guy and likes NIN which is always a plus. I was more going along with that I felt he should have waited till all the data was out, but I have a strange feeling he may be right.

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It's still possible.......

4 ≈ One

"ribbing" =/= Making fun of someone's prediction who can't defend themselves.

Everytime a Leo-J thread is created an internet kitten dies...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:
Everytime a Leo-J thread is created an internet kitten dies...

I'm allergic to cats so i don't mind =P


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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@ gebx

I see what u did thar.

Neos said:
DMeisterJ said:
cdude1034 said:
DMeisterJ said:
So it'll be cool when I make this thread at the end of the year when John Lucas' 60 million Wii's sold by 08 doesn't come true?

Why not?

Why not? 

Because it's tasteless.

SONY FANBOY's predictions are wrong all the time. 

Who care enough to make a thread to prove someone wrong? 

Are we all in middle school now? 

Someone's wrong and we laugh at them?

Maybe maturity and taste are handled differently by different people, but I fail to see the point in this thread.

oh come on dude, you know you are just sad now because of these sales, don't talk about it's something else




gebx said:
Everytime a Leo-J thread is created an internet kitten dies...

Everytime Leo-J posts a thread, Gebx masturbates?!?!?!?


ahhh vgcharts, the only "official" forum on the web that allows specific threads calling out members. Love it. Isnt there a crow eating thread for predictions just for this?

What is your point?  I recall him saying the average would end up being 120k, and even so it is due to shortages.  Do we need a thread for every statement someone makes?  Do we need another thread about this one if the numbers are adjusted?  I really don't get why so much trolling is allowed on these boards.  But then again it isn't exclusive to just random users.