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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The best next-gen gaming system is also the most expensive. FACT!

senatorpjt said:
If I wanted to play games on my PC I'd have to pay $250 for Windows. I might as well just buy a 360.

Vista Home Premium is under $100...what the hell kind of Windows OS costs $250?

I know not everyone is a student who can buy Windows legally for $10, I'll give you that...but you should never have to pay that much for Windows.  Just download it if it's that bad.


Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Around the Network

Pfft, gaming PC's are really cheap. With a combination of parts lying around unused in my house I could make a PC that could play all the best PC games (Civilization 1-4, Heroes of Might and Magic II and III and Starcraft)

I'm sorry to tell you, not everybody has the same gaming taste as you

Captian_Twig said:
If something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it... Look at yourself... Your spending 2000$ on Video games. Actually, 2000$+, since that doesn't include games... You can get a Wii, 360 and a PS3 and many games for that same price... Look at it this way.... You are a failure...
You like my opinion on your life? Because it's true...


Let me try to understand the way your brain works.

"if something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it". - You cannot buy a car, a house, a TV(which costs over 1.2k), a laptop, a PDA(my pda is in near 450 dollar region). Since will not buy a house/rent one at least then I suppose the basement of your parent's house is probably where you are. A hell lot of things cost more than 300 dollars. You are calling me a failure for being able to spend more than $300? Boy oh boy... wii fankids are sad ^_^ All with dellusions of grandeur.

Also, that's my PC of choice which is $2000 or so and includes an LCD screen that I can fit in my gaming room.  A $1000 pc as a LOT of people also mentioned on this thread would still eat ur console alive.

If I can afford the best gaming system, then so much the better for me. If the price of $300 is your price point then unfortunately for you, it doesn't mean that you all of a sudden got the best product out there when u buy the wii. In the US probably u can find consoles matching PC gaming but don't be so silly as to think the US is actually the world. Europe alone is a FAR BIGGER gaming market than the US.

In addition, the PC doesn't have anything to envy to any console. It even has a stick(wiimote like) like motion capture device for those who are into that sort of thing like the wii. It has the backward compatibility going back to years of games on PC but aswell, u can emulate heaps of older consoles which you cannot dream to do on any other platform. It has the LARGEST library of games and always at the top of technological breakthroughs. A PC isn't struck in stone, if u happen down the line to get a fantastic game that blows everything away, u can always just add a few more rams for cheap. If 500 GB disc space is too little for you, not only can u replace the HDD with a bigger one but UNLIKE other consoles you can literally just add a second hdd with it.

Like explained above. The PC is the MOST expensive(in terms of hardware and initial cost) platform but it is also true it is the best having the LARGEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE library of games. FULL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY that stretches to older consoles such as PS1/PS2/DS/SNES etc. It has the MOST POWERFUL hardware and delivers the most stunning PERFORMANCE. It allows you CHOICE as you can build a PC for the games you want. If you want a pc to play starcraft and diablo, it can be done for merely $300 or if u want a PC that can play Crysis like games, it can be done for $1,000 or if u just have to get the best technology out there regardless of the price, u can have a $4,000 PC.


You have a single digit IQ. How do you like my opinion of your brain? :)

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Shoestar said:

The best gaming system out the is also the most expensive but in truth for those who really couldn't be bothered about the money, It also has the most games!

Yes... the PC can be built as the best system and while many of the other consoles, even the PS3 sometimes don't allow 1080 resolution, we can have it on quite a few games!

We have the most vast library of games, which includes the MAJORITY of exclusives released for the X-Box 360 for example + we are certain to have the best iteration of games that are multi-platform as most are them are built on a PC first.

We also look forward to games like Crysis Warhead that could probably force a few consoles to melt or really nice rpgs like Diablo or strategy games like starcraft 2. We have the best MMO so far in World of Warcraft. 

So really, I couldn't care less...  I find myself reluctant to shell out $400 for a PS3 while I don't mind building a $2000 Core 2 Quad pc. And really, my next-gen gaming system would eat your little console alive... or dead...



That's opinion. And, in my opinion PC controls are awkward, installs take too long, I don't have enough money to have a decent gaming PC built, and WOW is a terrible MMO IMO.


naraku2099 said:
Shoestar said:

The best gaming system out the is also the most expensive but in truth for those who really couldn't be bothered about the money, It also has the most games!

Yes... the PC can be built as the best system and while many of the other consoles, even the PS3 sometimes don't allow 1080 resolution, we can have it on quite a few games!

We have the most vast library of games, which includes the MAJORITY of exclusives released for the X-Box 360 for example + we are certain to have the best iteration of games that are multi-platform as most are them are built on a PC first.

We also look forward to games like Crysis Warhead that could probably force a few consoles to melt or really nice rpgs like Diablo or strategy games like starcraft 2. We have the best MMO so far in World of Warcraft. 

So really, I couldn't care less...  I find myself reluctant to shell out $400 for a PS3 while I don't mind building a $2000 Core 2 Quad pc. And really, my next-gen gaming system would eat your little console alive... or dead...



That's opinion. And, in my opinion PC controls are awkward(You can get a gamepad, a driving wheel or wimote like device if u don't like the keyboard and mouse), installs take too long(for games of the wii quality it takes less than 5 minutes and for games of the other consoles it barely takes more than 5-10mins per DVD), I don't have enough money to have a decent gaming PC built(that doesn't mean the platform is not the best performing platform, it means you are poor. No shame in that though.), and WOW is a terrible MMO IMO.(that is an opinion not shared by the majority as it is the most played mmo in existance)




I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Around the Network

colonelstubbs said:
Im sorry, the PC doesnt count on vgchartz



You dont count on vgchartz!!!


PC >>> ALL Consoles

And thats a fact.


Had to change my sig to get some moderator to quit bitching about it......


Shoestar said:
Captian_Twig said:
If something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it... Look at yourself... Your spending 2000$ on Video games. Actually, 2000$+, since that doesn't include games... You can get a Wii, 360 and a PS3 and many games for that same price... Look at it this way.... You are a failure...
You like my opinion on your life? Because it's true...


Let me try to understand the way your brain works.

"if something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it". - You cannot buy a car, a house, a TV(which costs over 1.2k), a laptop, a PDA(my pda is in near 450 dollar region). Since will not buy a house/rent one at least then I suppose the basement of your parent's house is probably where you are. A hell lot of things cost more than 300 dollars. You are calling me a failure for being able to spend more than $300? Boy oh boy... wii fankids are sad ^_^ All with dellusions of grandeur.

Also, that's my PC of choice which is $2000 or so and includes an LCD screen that I can fit in my gaming room.  A $1000 pc as a LOT of people also mentioned on this thread would still eat ur console alive.

If I can afford the best gaming system, then so much the better for me. If the price of $300 is your price point then unfortunately for you, it doesn't mean that you all of a sudden got the best product out there when u buy the wii. In the US probably u can find consoles matching PC gaming but don't be so silly as to think the US is actually the world. Europe alone is a FAR BIGGER gaming market than the US.

In addition, the PC doesn't have anything to envy to any console. It even has a stick(wiimote like) like motion capture device for those who are into that sort of thing like the wii. It has the backward compatibility going back to years of games on PC but aswell, u can emulate heaps of older consoles which you cannot dream to do on any other platform. It has the LARGEST library of games and always at the top of technological breakthroughs. A PC isn't struck in stone, if u happen down the line to get a fantastic game that blows everything away, u can always just add a few more rams for cheap. If 500 GB disc space is too little for you, not only can u replace the HDD with a bigger one but UNLIKE other consoles you can literally just add a second hdd with it.

Like explained above. The PC is the MOST expensive(in terms of hardware and initial cost) platform but it is also true it is the best having the LARGEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE library of games. FULL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY that stretches to older consoles such as PS1/PS2/DS/SNES etc. It has the MOST POWERFUL hardware and delivers the most stunning PERFORMANCE. It allows you CHOICE as you can build a PC for the games you want. If you want a pc to play starcraft and diablo, it can be done for merely $300 or if u want a PC that can play Crysis like games, it can be done for $1,000 or if u just have to get the best technology out there regardless of the price, u can have a $4,000 PC.


You have a single digit IQ. How do you like my opinion of your brain? :)

I object to your "PC has full bakcward compatibility" claim, I have games that no longer work on my PC since I upgraded it.

Also, look up the word illegal in a dictionary.

And you're giving PC fans a bad name.

To all: stop it with the insults.

Shoestar said:
Captian_Twig said:
If something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it... Look at yourself... Your spending 2000$ on Video games. Actually, 2000$+, since that doesn't include games... You can get a Wii, 360 and a PS3 and many games for that same price... Look at it this way.... You are a failure...
You like my opinion on your life? Because it's true...


Let me try to understand the way your brain works.

"if something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it". - You cannot buy a car, a house, a TV(which costs over 1.2k), a laptop, a PDA(my pda is in near 450 dollar region). Since will not buy a house/rent one at least then I suppose the basement of your parent's house is probably where you are. A hell lot of things cost more than 300 dollars. You are calling me a failure for being able to spend more than $300? Boy oh boy... wii fankids are sad ^_^ All with dellusions of grandeur.

Also, that's my PC of choice which is $2000 or so and includes an LCD screen that I can fit in my gaming room.  A $1000 pc as a LOT of people also mentioned on this thread would still eat ur console alive.

If I can afford the best gaming system, then so much the better for me. If the price of $300 is your price point then unfortunately for you, it doesn't mean that you all of a sudden got the best product out there when u buy the wii. In the US probably u can find consoles matching PC gaming but don't be so silly as to think the US is actually the world. Europe alone is a FAR BIGGER gaming market than the US.

In addition, the PC doesn't have anything to envy to any console. It even has a stick(wiimote like) like motion capture device for those who are into that sort of thing like the wii. It has the backward compatibility going back to years of games on PC but aswell, u can emulate heaps of older consoles which you cannot dream to do on any other platform. It has the LARGEST library of games and always at the top of technological breakthroughs. A PC isn't struck in stone, if u happen down the line to get a fantastic game that blows everything away, u can always just add a few more rams for cheap. If 500 GB disc space is too little for you, not only can u replace the HDD with a bigger one but UNLIKE other consoles you can literally just add a second hdd with it.

Like explained above. The PC is the MOST expensive(in terms of hardware and initial cost) platform but it is also true it is the best having the LARGEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE library of games. FULL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY that stretches to older consoles such as PS1/PS2/DS/SNES etc. It has the MOST POWERFUL hardware and delivers the most stunning PERFORMANCE. It allows you CHOICE as you can build a PC for the games you want. If you want a pc to play starcraft and diablo, it can be done for merely $300 or if u want a PC that can play Crysis like games, it can be done for $1,000 or if u just have to get the best technology out there regardless of the price, u can have a $4,000 PC.


You have a single digit IQ. How do you like my opinion of your brain? :)


Next time just report his post and save yourself the trouble of writing that.  As it is you insulted him and regardless of being baited or not it is a violation of the rules. For that you have a warning, next time is a ban.  Just ignore trolls and flamebait and let us (the mods) handle it.

To Each Man, Responsibility

On the PC you have an extreme hardcore, they make the console gamers of this site look like Wiifit playing casuals. Its quite funny, hardcore is relative isn't it? How many people are willing to spend 2 hours tweaking the settings in Crysis for maximum enjoyment? For these people there are no other platforms...


It should be "The newest technology for next-gen. console will be the most expensive" IMO.

For games, if you got developer that able to use everything that you got effectively.Plus with their creative idea and smart marketing.
The result will be really good games and everyone want to play ,no matter which platform they use.