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naraku2099 said:
Shoestar said:

The best gaming system out the is also the most expensive but in truth for those who really couldn't be bothered about the money, It also has the most games!

Yes... the PC can be built as the best system and while many of the other consoles, even the PS3 sometimes don't allow 1080 resolution, we can have it on quite a few games!

We have the most vast library of games, which includes the MAJORITY of exclusives released for the X-Box 360 for example + we are certain to have the best iteration of games that are multi-platform as most are them are built on a PC first.

We also look forward to games like Crysis Warhead that could probably force a few consoles to melt or really nice rpgs like Diablo or strategy games like starcraft 2. We have the best MMO so far in World of Warcraft. 

So really, I couldn't care less...  I find myself reluctant to shell out $400 for a PS3 while I don't mind building a $2000 Core 2 Quad pc. And really, my next-gen gaming system would eat your little console alive... or dead...



That's opinion. And, in my opinion PC controls are awkward(You can get a gamepad, a driving wheel or wimote like device if u don't like the keyboard and mouse), installs take too long(for games of the wii quality it takes less than 5 minutes and for games of the other consoles it barely takes more than 5-10mins per DVD), I don't have enough money to have a decent gaming PC built(that doesn't mean the platform is not the best performing platform, it means you are poor. No shame in that though.), and WOW is a terrible MMO IMO.(that is an opinion not shared by the majority as it is the most played mmo in existance)




I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!