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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The best next-gen gaming system is also the most expensive. FACT!

Rhonin the wizard said:
Shoestar said:
Captian_Twig said:
If something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it... Look at yourself... Your spending 2000$ on Video games. Actually, 2000$+, since that doesn't include games... You can get a Wii, 360 and a PS3 and many games for that same price... Look at it this way.... You are a failure...
You like my opinion on your life? Because it's true...


Let me try to understand the way your brain works.

"if something costs over 300 dollars, I'm not buying it". - You cannot buy a car, a house, a TV(which costs over 1.2k), a laptop, a PDA(my pda is in near 450 dollar region). Since will not buy a house/rent one at least then I suppose the basement of your parent's house is probably where you are. A hell lot of things cost more than 300 dollars. You are calling me a failure for being able to spend more than $300? Boy oh boy... wii fankids are sad ^_^ All with dellusions of grandeur.

Also, that's my PC of choice which is $2000 or so and includes an LCD screen that I can fit in my gaming room.  A $1000 pc as a LOT of people also mentioned on this thread would still eat ur console alive.

If I can afford the best gaming system, then so much the better for me. If the price of $300 is your price point then unfortunately for you, it doesn't mean that you all of a sudden got the best product out there when u buy the wii. In the US probably u can find consoles matching PC gaming but don't be so silly as to think the US is actually the world. Europe alone is a FAR BIGGER gaming market than the US.

In addition, the PC doesn't have anything to envy to any console. It even has a stick(wiimote like) like motion capture device for those who are into that sort of thing like the wii. It has the backward compatibility going back to years of games on PC but aswell, u can emulate heaps of older consoles which you cannot dream to do on any other platform. It has the LARGEST library of games and always at the top of technological breakthroughs. A PC isn't struck in stone, if u happen down the line to get a fantastic game that blows everything away, u can always just add a few more rams for cheap. If 500 GB disc space is too little for you, not only can u replace the HDD with a bigger one but UNLIKE other consoles you can literally just add a second hdd with it.

Like explained above. The PC is the MOST expensive(in terms of hardware and initial cost) platform but it is also true it is the best having the LARGEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE library of games. FULL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY that stretches to older consoles such as PS1/PS2/DS/SNES etc. It has the MOST POWERFUL hardware and delivers the most stunning PERFORMANCE. It allows you CHOICE as you can build a PC for the games you want. If you want a pc to play starcraft and diablo, it can be done for merely $300 or if u want a PC that can play Crysis like games, it can be done for $1,000 or if u just have to get the best technology out there regardless of the price, u can have a $4,000 PC.


You have a single digit IQ. How do you like my opinion of your brain? :)

I object to your "PC has full bakcward compatibility" claim, I have games that no longer work on my PC since I upgraded it.

Also, look up the word illegal in a dictionary.

And you're giving PC fans a bad name.

To all: stop it with the insults.


If you need help playing old games, I'm happy to help. For example, I have a friend who has a favorite game that goes by the name of "GODS". It is a 2D game that ran on DOS and would not adapt to Win Vista. The solution to his problem was a little bootcd I made for him that ran MS-Dos on his system on startup and he could indulge himself into the goodie old nostalgic games like Crazy Cars III, Lotus etc that came well over 15-20 years ago. You can do the same with older operating systems.

Since I work in the IT field, I work with linux a lot and I managed a couple years back to get my hands on a Linux distribution by the name of 'Dyne:Bolic' that allows you to run linux from a CD without even having the need to instal it.

As for the illegal claims, I am merely showing the extent of the versatility of the PC. I'm not saying u should pirate games or steal them or anything. If u read my other posts in the thread, u will see that emphasized on buying the games you emulate if they are still on the market.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

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Just two things:

Starcraft II, Diablo III...

Sounds to me my future life will be filled with PC gaming. And when I'm playing those I'll probably feel the OP is correct - last time I played Starcraft/Diablo I basically did nothing but play those games ;)

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.

TWRoO said:

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.


Dear TWRoO,


I agree it is troublesome to spend 2-3 minutes rebooting your computer into DoS mode. I suppose I could almost make a cup of coffee in that time. But look at it this way... while those 3 minutes for u is a waste when someone wants to play a 20 years old game, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do on ANY other systems.

So... on the PC u don't have the ease of use u may wish to have... and on the Console it is just plain impossible.


PS: u don't have to instal a disc that runs dos. I will assume u do not know much about computers and I hope this explains to u that this is not installing. It's merely rebooting with another OS. Equivalent of u powering down you wii and turning it back on again.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Ah yes, the PC, virus's, trojans run time errors blue screens and compatibility issues with even GPUs on games. I play games on my consoles because I absolutely know I won't need to buy anything for it, I've purchased 5 PC games in the past I'd say about 10 years maybe longer, and I've had to upgrade at least parts of my PC to the tune of 50$ minimum each time to play a 50$ game.

Consoles don't upgrade every 3 months like PC's which tend to create the impression of "God damn I got ripped!" you could always wait a little longer and get a much better PC which creates inequality.

I love practically being forced to use a specific operating system too! I like to use Linux but if I want to play a game you better had god damned windows!

In the end PC's have more power because of their nature but there's also more unknown factors there's more companies with their hands in each PC creating compatibility issues among hardware and software. These things do not exist with console gaming. However there is something to be said with when your PC dies having the ability to fix the broken part but if you really know what you're doing... consoles are no different in that respect.

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TWRoO said:

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.

Dude, thousands and thousands of old PC games can still be played today... it doesn't matter what you need to make it happen, because how many 15 year old games can the Wii/PS3/360 play? Tell me.

Atleast PC gives you the option of playing thousands and thousands of oldies, ranging PC games, SNES, NES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, Sega CD, Gamecube, Master System, etc....

No easu of use? Today you probably don't even need to put in the disk to play PC games (unlike consoles). You have Steam and other DD services, Cracks, and companies approaching the DRM which lets you play the games without any Disk. It's such a hassle to have to change disks everytime I want to play a different game on a console.

Unless you are completely ignorant/retarded about PCs, you can easily come up with something to play almost any old game on PC. Example, with DosBox you can play all those 20 year old DOS games on your modern PC.


souixan said:
Ah yes, the PC, virus's, trojans run time errors blue screens and compatibility issues with even GPUs on games. I play games on my consoles because I absolutely know I won't need to buy anything for it, I've purchased 5 PC games in the past I'd say about 10 years maybe longer, and I've had to upgrade at least parts of my PC to the tune of 50$ minimum each time to play a 50$ game.

Consoles don't upgrade every 3 months like PC's which tend to create the impression of "God damn I got ripped!" you could always wait a little longer and get a much better PC which creates inequality.

I love practically being forced to use a specific operating system too! I like to use Linux but if I want to play a game you better had god damned windows!

In the end PC's have more power because of their nature but there's also more unknown factors there's more companies with their hands in each PC creating compatibility issues among hardware and software. These things do not exist with console gaming. However there is something to be said with when your PC dies having the ability to fix the broken part but if you really know what you're doing... consoles are no different in that respect.

I won't even bother reply to you, I'll just report your post.


souixan said:
Ah yes, the PC, virus's, trojans run time errors blue screens and compatibility issues with even GPUs on games. I play games on my consoles because I absolutely know I won't need to buy anything for it, I've purchased 5 PC games in the past I'd say about 10 years maybe longer, and I've had to upgrade at least parts of my PC to the tune of 50$ minimum each time to play a 50$ game.

Consoles don't upgrade every 3 months like PC's which tend to create the impression of "God damn I got ripped!" you could always wait a little longer and get a much better PC which creates inequality.

I love practically being forced to use a specific operating system too! I like to use Linux but if I want to play a game you better had god damned windows!

In the end PC's have more power because of their nature but there's also more unknown factors there's more companies with their hands in each PC creating compatibility issues among hardware and software. These things do not exist with console gaming. However there is something to be said with when your PC dies having the ability to fix the broken part but if you really know what you're doing... consoles are no different in that respect.

Although you have some valid points, this is the wrong way to go about bringing them up. Quit this thread while you can, or Mr Ban hammer will come and visit you.


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Shoestar said:
TWRoO said:

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.


Dear TWRoO,


I agree it is troublesome to spend 2-3 minutes rebooting your computer into DoS mode. I suppose I could almost make a cup of coffee in that time. But look at it this way... while those 3 minutes for u is a waste when someone wants to play a 20 years old game, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do on ANY other systems.

So... on the PC u don't have the ease of use u may wish to have... and on the Console it is just plain impossible.


PS: u don't have to instal a disc that runs dos. I will assume u do not know much about computers and I hope this explains to u that this is not installing. It's merely rebooting with another OS. Equivalent of u powering down you wii and turning it back on again.

While I didn't mention anything about how long it takes... I am suprised it is so quick. but that is not the point, You are correct, I am no PC whiz... but I bet I am easily in the top 1% of people regarding PC knowledge and how to work them (it's how they work I am sketchy on) and the fact is that I would have no idea how to boot into DOS mode, or even if I could do it at all without some disc made by someone who knows what they are doing.

My laptop can't even run GTAIII properly ffs, it often crashes the display driver after about 20-30 minutes, I fiddled with all sorts of stuff like virtual memory allocation but it still crashes most of the time, and even if it doesn't it runs like shit, all the textures swap themselves around so I see windows repeated across the roads or things simple don't appear until I crash into them.
The Sims I also have and it has taken up a stupidly big chunk of my 40GB hard drive (our old PC only had 17GB and it took almost half of that by itself)

PCs may give you the option to play every game under the sun, but that doesn't make it easier to use.

Actually I did downoad a copy of Micro Machines about a month ago (I believe it was legal, but I am not sure), and it messed up, didn't even open the file. No where did it tell me how to get it to work properly so I deleted it and found another one (which seemed dodgier so may have been illegal) It at least started the game, although the sound was iffy and none of the keys did anything at all... except enter and the arrow keys... so if I went onto a menu I didn't want to I had to close the game to get back to the start.

Or I also tried to download the free Spore demo, It downloaded in about 10 minutes and installed in about 3 minutes, after which it told me I needed a new version of Direct X.. it at least directed me to where I can get it, where I had to install something to verify my copy of windows before installing thid new Direct X... which then promptly didn't work at all as when I ran the game it gave me an error message I can't remember.

Ease of use does not equate to number of functions it can perform (usually the opposite) or the number of games it can play.

Ehh , everyone please calm down a bit. I think consoles and PC got their own advantage and disadvantage ,i think we shouldn't argue about this.