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TWRoO said:

@shoestar. There is your problem again.... Accessablity or ease of use, people don't want to fuck around having to install some disc that runs DOS or whatever... they want to put the game in and play it.

Dude, thousands and thousands of old PC games can still be played today... it doesn't matter what you need to make it happen, because how many 15 year old games can the Wii/PS3/360 play? Tell me.

Atleast PC gives you the option of playing thousands and thousands of oldies, ranging PC games, SNES, NES, Genesis, PS1, PS2, Sega CD, Gamecube, Master System, etc....

No easu of use? Today you probably don't even need to put in the disk to play PC games (unlike consoles). You have Steam and other DD services, Cracks, and companies approaching the DRM which lets you play the games without any Disk. It's such a hassle to have to change disks everytime I want to play a different game on a console.

Unless you are completely ignorant/retarded about PCs, you can easily come up with something to play almost any old game on PC. Example, with DosBox you can play all those 20 year old DOS games on your modern PC.