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souixan said:
Ah yes, the PC, virus's, trojans run time errors blue screens and compatibility issues with even GPUs on games. I play games on my consoles because I absolutely know I won't need to buy anything for it, I've purchased 5 PC games in the past I'd say about 10 years maybe longer, and I've had to upgrade at least parts of my PC to the tune of 50$ minimum each time to play a 50$ game.

Consoles don't upgrade every 3 months like PC's which tend to create the impression of "God damn I got ripped!" you could always wait a little longer and get a much better PC which creates inequality.

I love practically being forced to use a specific operating system too! I like to use Linux but if I want to play a game you better had god damned windows!

In the end PC's have more power because of their nature but there's also more unknown factors there's more companies with their hands in each PC creating compatibility issues among hardware and software. These things do not exist with console gaming. However there is something to be said with when your PC dies having the ability to fix the broken part but if you really know what you're doing... consoles are no different in that respect.

Although you have some valid points, this is the wrong way to go about bringing them up. Quit this thread while you can, or Mr Ban hammer will come and visit you.


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