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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata:Nintendo ignoring core gamers, misunderstanding we want to get rid of

vaio said:
Valkyria00 said:
Dude only post the quote and link. Not the ENTIRE article. No one cares we only care about the title says.

Its what Ive been saying all along. Just wait Nintendo didnt have to apologize.

There are people that actually enjoy having the article here instead of going thorugh a link.

Nintendo didn´t have to apologise no they didn´t you are absolutly right but that is what makes them great and sets them apart from the other two and one of the reasons I love them.


Well I actually read everything and to finally find the main point at the near bottom is a hassle

Same here............more or less...


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Don't know many old classics that Playstation have, Crash Bandicoot or Tomb Raider, Spyro maybe? That aren't in xbox already.

Also Wii games have to be the most lucrative new IP out. Still I think we need some more evidence that games are being made (new mario, pikmin, zelda, etc..), any kind of picture will do...a logo, box art, something.

Pristine Nintendo's been around with jump man for nearly 30 years, Sony's looking back at just over a decade, the difference is there, the ammount of games Nintendo has published that have nothing to do with Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pikmin, Battalion Wars, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Killer Instinct, Wii(games), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and so on mostly go over looked except Brawl, but that's like a mixture of stuff like, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Earth Bound, Mario and to sum it up pretty much an all star cast.

But they are working on Rainbow Man (whatever its called) and Fatal Frame IV after buying the IP and a few others like Disaster and Project Hammer, let's not forget the effort with Baten Kaitos and so on.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

vaio said:
tarheel91 said:
vaio said:
steven787 said:
Whole phrase:
If there is any perception that Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers...

Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers

It's all in good fun, sorry if I made you worry.


 Oh now is see what you meant, There were not room for more letters and I though you guys would read it Ignoring core gamers a missunderstanding we want to get rid off.

But instead of a I put a , thats my misstake.


I thought he was saying people thought Nintendo was ignoring core gamers, when in reality they wanted to get rid of them. -_-;

Oh god, now I see how that could be interperted that way too. Never meant for this it´s a shame one can´t change the headline. Oh well blame it on me not knowing English good well enough.

I forgive you again and again Nintendo, I will always forgive you as long as you keep em coming.


Haha, sorry.  I couldn't resist.


tarheel91 said:
vaio said:
tarheel91 said:
vaio said:
steven787 said:
Whole phrase:
If there is any perception that Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers...

Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers

It's all in good fun, sorry if I made you worry.


 Oh now is see what you meant, There were not room for more letters and I though you guys would read it Ignoring core gamers a missunderstanding we want to get rid off.

But instead of a I put a , thats my misstake.


I thought he was saying people thought Nintendo was ignoring core gamers, when in reality they wanted to get rid of them. -_-;

Oh god, now I see how that could be interperted that way too. Never meant for this it´s a shame one can´t change the headline. Oh well blame it on me not knowing English good well enough.

I forgive you again and again Nintendo, I will always forgive you as long as you keep em coming.


Haha, sorry.  I couldn't resist.


No need to be sorry, I welcome corrections so I can improve my english.


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dib8rman said:
Pristine Nintendo's been around with jump man for nearly 30 years, Sony's looking back at just over a decade, the difference is there, the ammount of games Nintendo has published that have nothing to do with Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pikmin, Battalion Wars, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Killer Instinct, Wii(games), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and so on mostly go over looked except Brawl, but that's like a mixture of stuff like, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Earth Bound, Mario and to sum it up pretty much an all star cast.

But they are working on Rainbow Man (whatever its called) and Fatal Frame IV after buying the IP and a few others like Disaster and Project Hammer, let's not forget the effort with Baten Kaitos and so on.


Thats interesting. I haven't heard about any of those new IPs except fatal frame IV but there's a reason its called "IV" (because it isn't new lol). I guess they should give their core titles more press and not just keep pandering to the mainstream

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

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DMeisterJ said:

But still not forgiven for Cammie.

Reggie is the old IP for the hardcore.  Cammie is the new IP for the casuals.  She's not your IP.

@ pristine20

The new IP is Endless Ocean.  For the hardcore pisces amoung us.


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

No worries Nintendo (=. Looks like everyone can be happy now!.. right?

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||


Fatal Frame IV is a new IP for Nintendo considering this is their first time publishing it., but for the most part Tecmo is 2nd party, hmm how about the Golden Suns? My point is Nintendo's released tuns of new IP's with time, games don't develope themselves, since your the one who brought it up I'm hoping you at least checked to see how many IP's each publisher has under it's belt as developed by them between Microsoft,Nintendo and Sony - I'm sure Sega has a vew also, probably most within the Dreamcast era, you'll find Nintendo has quite a baffling assortment of IP's, one is making a come back and that is Punch out, sadly EA is making Face Breaker - I'm sure it's just to see if Nintendo games sell on Nintendo platforms but this will be nice to watch.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Pristine20 said:
dib8rman said:
Pristine Nintendo's been around with jump man for nearly 30 years, Sony's looking back at just over a decade, the difference is there, the ammount of games Nintendo has published that have nothing to do with Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pikmin, Battalion Wars, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Killer Instinct, Wii(games), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and so on mostly go over looked except Brawl, but that's like a mixture of stuff like, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Earth Bound, Mario and to sum it up pretty much an all star cast.

But they are working on Rainbow Man (whatever its called) and Fatal Frame IV after buying the IP and a few others like Disaster and Project Hammer, let's not forget the effort with Baten Kaitos and so on.


Thats interesting. I haven't heard about any of those new IPs except fatal frame IV but there's a reason its called "IV" (because it isn't new lol). I guess they should give their core titles more press and not just keep pandering to the mainstream


You're saying they should ignore the majority and instead focus on the minority gamers?  Sony did that and now they're fighting MS for second place. There's such a hypocrisy with core gamers.