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Fatal Frame IV is a new IP for Nintendo considering this is their first time publishing it., but for the most part Tecmo is 2nd party, hmm how about the Golden Suns? My point is Nintendo's released tuns of new IP's with time, games don't develope themselves, since your the one who brought it up I'm hoping you at least checked to see how many IP's each publisher has under it's belt as developed by them between Microsoft,Nintendo and Sony - I'm sure Sega has a vew also, probably most within the Dreamcast era, you'll find Nintendo has quite a baffling assortment of IP's, one is making a come back and that is Punch out, sadly EA is making Face Breaker - I'm sure it's just to see if Nintendo games sell on Nintendo platforms but this will be nice to watch.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D