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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who will win E3 2008?

Nintendo has the upper hand simply because they've played everything so close to their chest.

We practically know everything Sony and MS plan to say at their conferences.

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Too much emphasis is placed on the horserace and not enough on the games. I'm excited about the God of War 3 reveal because I'm excited about the game itself, not by some points it scores for Sony in some imaginary popularity contest. It's like all expos, you put forth a good product, you sell that product. This winners and losers stuff is best left to the retards in the media.

In short, Nintendo will win because it will please Nintendo fans. Sony will win because it will please Sony fans. Microsoft will win because it will please Microsoft fans. All the rest is bullshit.

noname2200 said:
No offense Shameless, but it's pretty obvious you haven't put much research into your lists, making it pretty hard to judge. Even if you had, though, who the winner is depends highly on your subjective viewpoint.

From what I've seen and read, it's going to be Nintendo for most people, but a lot of others will feel that Sony came away the winner. Poor Microsoft is going to shoot itself in the foot with the snobcore for "selling out", and they probably won't get the expanded audience they're searching for.

All of this is subject to change of course, depending on which rumors turn out to be true.

If you can tell me anything feasible and relevant to add to these lists then I'll be happy to. Obviously they're not complete but I've tried to compile games that people actually care about/have hyped.


RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
Nintendo will win like the last two years before. If you disagreed that they won 2006 and/or 2007 back then, you probably will disagree this time as well.

They did win 06, but definitely not 07.

07 was looked at as Nintendo turning their back on the hardcore, and even when Reggie announced SSBB to be out before the end of the year, no one applauded. And when MK Wii was shown and announced to be out in "early 08", no one cared. But Sony stole the show with the Killzone 2 footage that while not quite measuring up to the CG in 05, looking damn good.

Yup, I think that's why we had read headlines like "Nintendo already in the future while Sony and Microsoft still stuck in the past".


Which are opinions, right?

RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
Nintendo will win like the last two years before. If you disagreed that they won 2006 and/or 2007 back then, you probably will disagree this time as well.

They did win 06, but definitely not 07.

07 was looked at as Nintendo turning their back on the hardcore, and even when Reggie announced SSBB to be out before the end of the year, no one applauded. And when MK Wii was shown and announced to be out in "early 08", no one cared. But Sony stole the show with the Killzone 2 footage that while not quite measuring up to the CG in 05, looking damn good.

Yup, I think that's why we had read headlines like "Nintendo already in the future while Sony and Microsoft still stuck in the past".



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RolStoppable said:
Cactus said:
RolStoppable said:

Yup, I think that's why we had read headlines like "Nintendo already in the future while Sony and Microsoft still stuck in the past".

Which are opinions, right?

Just like Sony won E3 2007 is an opinion.


I don't belive I said that but, yes it is. Just like my post about Twisted Metal winning E3 for me is an opinion.

RolStoppable said:
Cactus said:
RolStoppable said:

Yup, I think that's why we had read headlines like "Nintendo already in the future while Sony and Microsoft still stuck in the past".

Which are opinions, right?

Just like Sony won E3 2007 is an opinion.

Just like Nintendo won E3 07 is an opinion?

Come on guys let's get real with ourselves for a moment. At E3 2007 Nintendo did nothing but brag about how awesome the Wii and DS were announcing and showing off only a few titles, most which were already show at some time before hand. MS showed only games that had been shown before. Sony was really the only one that showed new things, lots of new footage, and decent amount of game announces. Sony won E3 2007, of course it didn't take much.

Nintendo won E3 2006, and gamers won E3 2005. E3 2008 is still up for grabs though and we'll find out in less than 48 hrs what its going to be like.

Shameless said:
noname2200 said:

If you can tell me anything feasible and relevant to add to these lists then I'll be happy to.


Sure. I've already made a massive list for Nintendo stuff, so feel free to check that one out, and rip out whatever you want. Microsoft and Sony don't interest me as much, so I'll admit to being far less knowledgable there; for those, you may be right or wrong (I'd add Lips though, as it'll probably be emphasized by Microsoft if it pans out). I'm judging it based on your Nintendo list. Mind you, making a list of even the top prospect for all three is going to be a b****, but that's why I didn't do it.

I don't think a lot of one console owners and fanboys can be objective about many things, but I know Nintendo fans will be disappointed if a Zelda is not revealed. Microsoft doesn't even seem to be a competitor barring a huge announcement - their biggest known game, Gears of War 2, has been shown everywhere already.