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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will be the best selling JRPG this generation?

nin. fanboys will vote for DQ9 while everyone else with some sense will say ff13. you guys arent the consumers so how would you know?!! ask the people themselves! i have to remind you all again!





Around the Network

Console - Final Fantasy XIII
Handheld - Dragon Quest IX

DGC1808 - White Knight Chronicles

4 ≈ One

Mummelmann said:
FFXIII hands down, two platforms, a combined install base of around 50 million at the very least upon release (probably more). It should sell well over 10 million lt, perhaps even close to 15 million on PS360 imo.


The DS has right now an installbase of 61 million in the West, more than the two HD consoles combined, and in Japan it has 24.06 million, almost 10 times the PS3 installbase... So if it is by hardware installbase it is a no-brainer...

Of course, this is not that simple, because how many of those DS owners are gamers who like JRPGs, and are willing to buy  DQ9???... My prediction is that in Japan, since they love DQ so much and the DS is kicking everyone in hardware and software sales (including JRPGs), DQ9 will outsell FFXIII, in the West is more complicated, because most part of the DS installbase is casual and FF has better reputation among gamers than DQ in this side of the world, I mean, DQ8 (the best-selling DQ game) didn't get a million sales NA+EU combined, while almost every FF game passes that mark... But this is the first time a main DQ game launches in a different platform than a main FF game, and the DS has installbase and price advantages over the PS3 and the 360, so that should make a difference...

We'll see, but i think DQ9 will outsell FF13, but not for much...

Other that Pocket Monsters, it will be Final Fantasy XIII.
(>'.')> make me angry I'll tell them what we both think:

KH3..once it's released for the'll sell more than any other JRPG..why?


'nuff said

('s an ARPG from