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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will be the best selling JRPG this generation?

FF 13

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Only upcoming games

Handhelds: Dragon Quest IX
Consoles: Final Fantasy XIII

But overall, i have to say DQ9, the series has gained popularity in the West with DQ8, not as much as FF, but this time it has the DS advantage (Last time it was PS2 game vs PS2 game), so Japan is pretty much decided (DQ title + handheld) and in the West it will do well enough with the DS install base...

FF XIII, then DQ IX.

Kasz, Nintendo already did that. It was called Pokemon.

I expected FFXIII to outsell DQIX, but I could be wrong.

sapient said:
DQIX. With the installed based of NDS this is a no brainer.

FFXIII will be second as I don't believe adding Xbox360 gains them that many RPG fans. Most RPG fans either have PS3 or have both since this gen it seems xbox has gotten more RPGs.

Nice try, but no. FFXVIII wins.

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ok so maybe it wont sell as much as fxiii

I'm going to have to agree with the majority and say FFXIII.

You can't rate games that are not out yet...

Thousand Arms FTW

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

FFXIII hands down, two platforms, a combined install base of around 50 million at the very least upon release (probably more). It should sell well over 10 million lt, perhaps even close to 15 million on PS360 imo.

Mummelmann said:
FFXIII hands down, two platforms, a combined install base of around 50 million at the very least upon release (probably more). It should sell well over 10 million lt, perhaps even close to 15 million on PS360 imo.


Things like these? These are called predictions, everybody. These are not opinions! They look similar, but what you are doing is making a guess. That is not an opinion.

And expecting FFXIII to break 10 million is probably overshooting a little bit. If it outsells GTAIV on either platform I am going to be very, very, very surprised.