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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy sucks

Blizzard games? LOL. This is just asking for PC gaming insults....

Anyway, you just need to look at the sale figures of Square's series compared to the rest of the developers to see that Square are leagues above the rest. Final Fantasy has set the standard in both quality and sales that other developers envy and wish they had.

I can understand the jealousy regarding the FF series though, since through the Playstation brand has seen stardom worldwide that has never been matched and irritates Nintendo fans because on their consoles the series didn't flourish worldwide.
I also wonder if this has anything to do with the OP owning nothing but Nintendo systems and PC games where western RPGs fair better and the greatness that is FF became so popular after leaving Nintendo.

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No crap. Blizzard is infinitely better than SE.

marciosmg said:
Sorry. If your talking story wise, FF (the early ones) are way better than Blizzard games.

Square Enix's games focus more on the story, but Blizzard have greater lore and storytelling despite the fact that 2 of their 4 current franchises are not story-heavy friendly.

Imo, SE only has 1 game with a great story: FF6. Blizzard also has 2 titles that have great story: Warcraft 3 and WC3: Frozen Throne.



How long was FF8? I beat the 1st disc in a day, so I'm guessing it's lie 25 hours? I never got to play it that much...FF7 was great, but I never beat that Weapon underwater with the 20 minute timer. I'm not sure anyone did LOL. My brother hated FFX and the one's after it seemed to be drippin with some Wack Juice to me *cough* X-2 *cough*

Plus, Square Enix doesn't make as much new stuff like they did in the 90s and arguably on the PS2. People here say that SE is starting to sweat because other RPG centric devs are stepping up with new things (Atlus) and SE is stuck with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy spinoffs. They need more TWEWY quality new games.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Soriku said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Soriku said:

Needz FF funnies! Yeah, this thread is gonna get derailed pretty soon...

I showed you that video, I OWN YOU!!!



Eh? I saw that vid a long time ago. Also, the one you put in your sig was different.


DIE!!!!!!!!!! FF8 is AMAZING! Second favorite FF.


Yeah, because sales REALLY define quality/preference.

I'm sorry, but Tales and KH rape FF. RAPE.

Doesn't matter, I SAWZ IT BEFOREZ JOO!!!

'Sides, the first one is far better than the second one.

And if you actually think that Kingdom Hearts rapes every game in the FF series, well then, that must REALLY come down to preference. I suppose if you only enjoy one theoretical class than you'd enjoy the KH battle system. As for Tales, I'm sure its good, but I've never played it.




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epsilon72 said:


Can't have a thread like this without a picture like that.

i agree with neos final fantasy sucks.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Lightning08 said:
Soriku said:
dtewi said:
Kingdom Hearts is approxamitely 537.23 times better than Final Fantasy.

Highly agree. KH along with Tales rape FF 537.23 times over.

Looks at Tales sales, looks at FFX sales... Starts laughing.

Looks at KH sales, looks at FFX sales... starts laughing.

Can you even call KH a RPG? Or is it a brainless action button masher that insults RPG's as we know them?


You can make fun of Tales but you can't make fun of KH!

Besides, I never called KH and RPG, I said it was a better game.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

SaviorX said:
How long was FF8? I beat the 1st disc in a day, so I'm guessing it's lie 25 hours? I never got to play it that much...FF7 was great, but I never beat that Weapon underwater with the 20 minute timer. I'm not sure anyone did LOL. My brother hated FFX and the one's after it seemed to be drippin with some Wack Juice to me *cough* X-2 *cough*

Plus, Square Enix doesn't make as much new stuff like they did in the 90s and arguably on the PS2. People here say that SE is starting to sweat because other RPG centric devs are stepping up with new things (Atlus) and SE is stuck with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy spinoffs. They need more TWEWY quality new games.

That is exactly what they are doing.  They are making Sigma Harmonics as we speak.


Neos said:
Lightning08 said:
Soriku said:
dtewi said:
Kingdom Hearts is approxamitely 537.23 times better than Final Fantasy.

Highly agree. KH along with Tales rape FF 537.23 times over.

Looks at Tales sales, looks at FFX sales... Starts laughing.

Looks at KH sales, looks at FFX sales... starts laughing.

Can you even call KH a RPG? Or is it a brainless action button masher that insults RPG's as we know them?

So now sales define quality? WoW sold over 10 mil, what do you have to say now?


Really scary if you know a game like FFVII sold also almost 10 million (can even be more than 10 million);