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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you expect the 360 to achieve at least 40 million WW sales?

Assuming that MS will not release a new console until 2011 then it will easily hit 40 million I think. If they made a slim line version they would easily hit 50 million IMO

Consoles Owned: Sega Genesis, NES, PS2 (RIP) N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii


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35 million.

eliasg said:
Over 50 million for sure. Why do you underestimate XBOX360???

This depends on price drops.  Assuming MS hits price drops well and can continue sales, I think the 360 will probably settle around 45 million units.  The PS3 will probably settle just a bit higher at the end of this gen, and will probably continue to sell as a last gen product (but not nearly as well as the PS2 did).

Haha. 40 million? Easily.

Yes. I'd say at least 50 mill., and then it depends on how long the life cycle is.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

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I think at least 45 million if they keep it out long enough.

Tough call. I've alwasy predicted it anywhere between 35 million and 45 million, but it really depends on when the next Xbox is released. But still going to be close either or. I'll know by the end of this year however probably. PS3 will play a big factor in this as well.

One thing to remember is that half of yearly sales take place over the holiday season. Even though 360 is right now just 2 years and 8 months into its life, that already includes 3 holiday seasons. If 360 is MS's lead console for 5 years, it has just two holiday seasons left. If it's the lead console for 6 years, it has just three left. It will also have the holiday season during 720's launch, but being a lesser selling console, it will likely drop off sharply at that point.

Furthermore, I believe 360 sales are currently peaking. This far in, MS will need "audience expanding" initiatives like an Xmote or Mii-alike just to plateau there a little longer. Upcoming games like Gears 2 or RE5 do little to expand it's potential audience, and so sales will drop if those are the only type of marquee title.

So I'm looking for 360 sales to about double from current numbers. This is a good thread because 40M is a good over/under right now.

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i think the 360 will sell another 19.2 million, but that of course is rounded, so based on the fact that it has sold around 20 million already, i think it will reach the 40 million mark.
i would probably say around 42 million when its all said and done.



Mod Edit (Posted removed due to: Quadruple post) -Sqrl