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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

baph72 said:

After the release of Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, and Gran Turismo 5, Sony is going to regain its traditional place in the marketplace -- #1. And with Itagaki's Metal Gear Solid 5, Kojima's Policenauts II, Silicon Knight's Eternal Darkness II, and Yu Suzuki's Shenmue 3 all coming exclusively to the PS3 and ensuring millions more PS3 consoles being sold, there's not going to be a reason to put Kingdom Hearts III or a drastically inferior version of Final Fantasy VII compared to what it would be on PS3 on the Wii.


and jesus will show up from the heaven and God will announced while sitting on his throne : PS3 IS GOD ITSELF.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Around the Network mean...the drawing roxas took from namine and put in the statue...wich opened

we never got to see it...but the others were: heartless symbol and nobody symbold


Roxas wasn't really explained in 2... Org XIII was explained a bit in CoM, not at all in KH2 and I think 358/2 days will cover the Org XIII and nobodies and Roxas

DMeisterJ said:
If anything, we can hope for FFVII to be ported onto the PSP or be put on PSN. That's where I'd put the most stock at for FFVII. I think FFVII could come to the PS3. I mean, if SE is putting XIII on the PS3, then they obviously can't be that worried about Japanese sales.

I disagree there... I mean they started FF13 back when they thought PS3 was going to be PS2 all over again.  That much can be shown by the fact that they actually could make the FF7 tech demo.

There is basically no way for them to back out of it.

Personally I think FF7 will be PS3 or nothing... which is why I think it will be nothing.

Yet if they did release FF7 this generation it would be wii.

Confusing sounding, I know.  However I think Square knows that FF7 really wouldn't hold up as a straight port, or even as a remake with graphics that weren't top of the line... since the cutscenes are what really wowed most people about 7.

In every other way it's just another Final Fantasy game but a little worse everywhere... furthermore since then FF has advanced it has moved into a new battle system which will make the FF7 battlesystem seem aged and annoying to the majority of the "casual" Final Fantasy RPG fans... aka the ones that basically just buy Final Fantasy.

So without the graphics... it seems like it'd hurt the brand.

However if they just say... screw the brand and want to make a quick buck, they can do a port for the Wii and maximize profit.

Should FF13 DRASTICALLY change things... maybe they'll do a FF7 remake.  I mean afterall they plan to make the FF13 brandname last for years through the various spinoffs.  After FF13V there really won't be anything they'll be working on Final Fantasy wise for the PS3... So i could see them doing that, assuming the PS3 picks up it's numbers a lot in Japan... Afterall the japanese fans are vital to them and they don't want to piss them off by putting the remake on a system that almost nobody in japan has.

I don't see another non MMO FF out till next generation when Square can put it on a system with at least equal graphics to the Ps3 and much better sales.

No. No FFVII for the Wii.


I dont mean to offend anybody but only an idiot would put FF VII on the WII, its just stupid,

Only wii fanboys think its possible, and yes Im talking about all of you.


Around the Network

So you believe Square will put XIII on the PS3, get the FF fans over there, but then release FFVII on the Wii?...... no......


Snatcher was released for MSX, Sega CD, and Japanese PS1; Policenauts was released for 3DO, Japanese Sega Saturn, and Japanese PS1. Both titles are considered to be amongst the greatest games ever made and they were highly influential games in the establishing of Kojima as the auteur that he is today. There are millions of game fans around the world that have been waiting since the mid- nineties to play these games in another language besides Japanese and millions of fans of Kojima that probably haven't studied the history of Japanese video games but loved the Metal Gear series and will be very eager to pick up whatever Kojima decides to do next. Now that Kojima has completed his Metal Gear Solid saga, he is free to move on and do much the same thing that he did with MGS with Snatcher and Policenauts. In effect, reinvent their game play for this generation and reintroduce his greatest games for their widest possible audiences.

Itagaki loves Ninjas. He is very much going to love having the chance to do awesome things with Raiden. One of the reasons he left Tecmo and MS was that he wanted to make longer more cinematic games than the 360's dvd drive would allow him to make and now he is able to do that by continuing on a classic franchise and taking it in unexplored directions at Konami. Itagaki once said he could take any franchise in gaming and make it better. And now he has the opportunity to demonstrate his ability to do so. He's looking for a new gig and MGS is looking for its new producer. A man that Kojima said was going to be a little younger than himself to tell the story of Raiden.

Playstation fans love action adventure games. And Yu Suzuki's Shenmue series is one of the greatest games ever in the action adventure genre. Fans of Shenmue have had to be content the last few years with Yakuza games on PS2. Yakuza 2 is coming to the American PS2 this September. Yakuza Sidestory Kenshin is one of the best video games to be released this year. Play Magazine's Play Japan awarded it a review score of 10 and said that prior to the release of MGS 4 that it was the most mature Japanese game to be released on any console in this generation. Hopefully, Kenshin will be coming out on the American PS3 this holiday season. Yesterday, it was announced that the official Yakuza 3 is now in development, and it will also be coming to PS3. I believe that the success of Yakuza I and II on PS2 combined with the success of Kenshin and Yakuza 3 on PS3 will result in the continuation of the Shenmue Saga which fans of the series have been anxiously waiting for since 2002.

Finally, on the next to the last line of IGN's release dates for PS3 games, it says,
"TBA 2010 -- Silicon Knights' Psychological Thriller Project [untitled]." What was Eternal Darkness? A Psychological Thriller. Who developed Eternal Darkness? Silicon Knights. If this untitled project isn't officially Eternal Darkness 2, I would say that it very certainly is unofficially Eternal Darkness 2.

This holiday season, you have Sega's Kenshin, Infamous, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, and possibly White Knight Story coming exclusively to the PS3.

In Spring of 2009, you have Killzone 2, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, and Final Fantasy XIII coming exclusively to the PS3.

By Holiday 2009, you have Hideo Kojima's Snatcher or Policenauts II, Uncharted 2, Sega's Yakuza 3, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII coming exclusively to PS3.

And in 2010, you have Itagaki's Metal Gear Solid 5, Silicon Knight's Untitled Psychological Thriller (Eternal Darkness II), Suzuki's Shenmue 3, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, in the quality it should be, all coming exclusively to PS3. There's no way the PS3 is going to fail to make its impact on this console generation and when the smoke clears, the PS3 will once again be standing on the top of the mountain by the end of this console generation.

leo-j said:
I dont mean to offend anybody but only an idiot would put FF VII on the WII, its just stupid,

Only wii fanboys think its possible, and yes Im talking about all of you.


I don't mean to offend anyone, but only complete sony fanboys would rule out the possibility of a FFVI remake for the Wii


only an idiot would release FFVII again on the ps3, they'd only lose money




there...I can do that too ^_~

leo-j said:
I dont mean to offend anybody but only an idiot would put FF VII on the WII, its just stupid,

Only wii fanboys think its possible, and yes Im talking about all of you.

Yep... no reason to put a JRPG on a system with 3 times the systems sold in japan then anywhere else... the lowest production costs and the best profit margins.

I mean... there is the "It was on PS1 arguement" but that's a pretty stupid arguement just based on the fact that most people that own PS2's down't even own PS3's and likely won't. So what are the chances of FF1.

It's more likely then not that there are more Wii owners who own PS2s currently then there are PS3 owners who own PS2s.

Most people who would buy a FF remake probably would be new people who have never played it and want to know what the hype is about... I mean it's a 10 year old game. A lot of people have likely moved on from gaming.

Like... well you.  You've never played it... despite it being your favorite FF somehow.

Ajax said:
So you believe Square will put XIII on the PS3, get the FF fans over there, but then release FFVII on the Wii?...... no......

Will it get the FF fans over though?

All of em or just the REALLY hardcore ones. Most fans likely already have a Wii as it is. That's definitly the case in Japan in anycase.

Final Fantasy has never been on a "losing" console before so it should be interesting.  Final Fantasy games have always been the types of games the "non-rpg" crowd would buy as their couple RPGs for the generation... it will be interesting to see if that same crowd is on the PS3 or not... if not I don't see them buying a PS3 for a genre they don't like.  Could be the difference between 5 and 10 million.