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Forums - Gaming Discussion - who's your favorite video game character ever?

veteran characters... link, mario and sonic (also all respective arch enemies to these guys)
newcomers....... travis touchdown and ike

nintendo and sega fan since i was old enough to hold a game controller.

note: my games collection on my profile is only 20ish% complete, i've got a boatload of 360,saturn and dreamcast games to add and a few ps3 games, thanks :)


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Link of course. I also like the supporting characters in the zelda games. Then there is Mario and Luigi. If you don't like Luigi you have no soul.

Samus Aran.

ahhhhh errmm hmmm ummmm...... I don;t really know... probably Master Chief. (*gasp*) Hey, I CAN like Sony and Halo at the same time you know... I just don't like him enough to shell out the dough for the games he's in....

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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LNRT said:
Link of course. I also like the supporting characters in the zelda games. Then there is Mario and Luigi. If you don't like Luigi you have no soul.


 Of course... Captain Linebeck and Midna are one of the best Zelda characters.

Navi <3


Very good call on Guybrush Threepwood. I'd go with him as well.


can we post photos :D?

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