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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.


if you don't have a counterpick stage then you might be...but you need to unlock all the ones that are available.  you don't have to pick the optional ones if you don't want to.  Besides both parties have to agree to optional ones anyways.

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taomaster06 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.

sooooo can i pick a neutral stage or do i have to choose one the counter picks?


your first match is a neutral stage.  The loser gets to pick his counter stage.  If he wins his counter stage then the last match is picked by the player who one the first

chriscox1121 said:
taomaster06 said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't have all the stages.

Does that mean I'm screwed? If it's just pick any nuetral stage I want, I will just pick battlefield, which is a stage I would also use as a counter pick sometimes.

sooooo can i pick a neutral stage or do i have to choose one the counter picks?


your first match is a neutral stage.  The loser gets to pick his counter stage.  If he wins his counter stage then the last match is picked by the player who one the first

you cannont pick a neutral for your counter....i think....youll have to ask ivo to be sure 


So the only people I can challege in the future are either possum or hells?

Can't pick a neutral for counter? :(

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ctk495 said:

So the only people I can challege in the future are either possum or hells?

There's always the chance that they could lose their spot.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

so are we gonna play the team battle match?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

ok i think i got it, so riot we play on battlefield first, and i choose FD as my pick for the second match. and if it goes to three then we can go back to battlefield

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

You can pick any neutral or counterpick stage for a counter pick.

Random stage select for initial neutral stage is for fairness, otherwise someone who plays Pit will always be picking Final Destination for its obvious advantage to projectiles. IF you do not have the ability to set stages for random, then you can pick one, but try to not be biased.

Ivo does have a job you know >.> If you have a question, don't expect an answer from me until I get off work. I work from 3-11PM EST, and if I work Saturdays I typically work from 6am-12pm. Ivo needs cash >.>

If you lose to a person, you may not challenge that person again for a week. If that person was below you on the rankings, that person trades spots with you.

The point of counterpicking is to turn the next match into a favorable match for you, to possibly increase your chance of winning. Winners stay the same, losers counterpick.

To End Contest, hit pause and a large button should appear that says End Contest.

Something I forgot, no stage can be used twice in any set. All 3 matches (if it goes that far) must be played on a different stage.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

So if supposelly I beat someone above me then in will no longer fight the person that use to be below me and now instead of me the one that was above me is going to replace me on that match?