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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Chrono Trigger DS confirmed real

LordTheNightKnight said:

New games in the Tales series isn't news. That's just Tuesday.

Seriously, I am still waiting to hear something official about CT, just in case.

BTW, if this is a port, with the cut scenes from the Playstation version, that would mean the only game the DS has left to truly redeem the N64 is FFVII.

So what if it would be a port? Losing FFVII was where the N64 started its fall from grace. Getting FFVII on a Nintendo system would be the ultimate redemption for the N64.

The only way that would be worthwhile is if they somehow managed to remake FFVII into an actual good game. An unlikely proposition, at best. Perhaps a subtitle along the lines of "Seriously, It's Totally Better This Time" could help.

Also, I'm not sure how a DS port/remake of a SNES title helps to redeem the N64...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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It feels like E3 in here

pichu_pichu said:
It feels like E3 in here

That because this is one of the most amazing games of all time. dfjdklfjkljklfr I can't wait until next tuesday.


Confirmed for U.S.

Onyxmeth said:

This is probably a remake with updated graphics like Final Fantasy IV, and to that I say "Welcome to my collection!". I would take the DS's library over the combined libraries of the 360, Wii and PS3 any day. It's just damn amazing. Funnily enough, I'm not even currently playing a DS game right now. My DS is housing Rebelstar Tactical Command and loving every minute of it.

I would too... if only i could deal with the tiny tiny screen.  To bad they don't let you plug the DS into like.... your PC... and use a mouse as the stylist.


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Snesboy said:
Soriku said:
pichu_pichu said:
I'm also hoping they release chrono trigger for the VC before this releases..


This is a port/remake...not happening. Anyway, I've been dying to play CT, so DO WANT. I hope they make some sort of Chrono Trigger 3 for Wii as well.


I want Chrono Trigger 2 first. Chrono Cross sucked and had nothing to do with CT on SNES.





Yeah it did.  The connections just made little sense and weren't revealed until the game was over halfway over.

The FATE computer system was a crazy Robo, the Dragons were Saurians like the ones Ayala beat... but Saurians from the future... of an alternate reality... that crashed back in time and created an alternate split universe.

Lavos was one of the last villians... Scyhalla was in there.  The 3 1000 AD kids appear as ghosts.

None of it made sense... and it caused time problems that CT avoided.... but it was related.

So I may finally be able to try it out :P

Unless it's not just a port.

Me want now!!! Damn I'm buying a DS for this like now & let's hope they don't bring out a special DS for this..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Yeah, it does feel like E3 (at least for Ninty fans :P) - but its still two weeks away.

If this is "pre-E3" news, I shudder to think what will be announced at E3...?

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I can't wait until the 7th. I wonder if they will show a gameplay video.

Edit: Also here is this game that should be released in september. The battle systems and graphics look similar to chrono trigger.