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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 VS. X360 multi-plat Graphics Comparison

NNN2004 said:
davygee said:
Here we go again.

All these games' lead platform is the 360 and it seems to be a case of build the game on the 360 and then try and port to the PS3. Not the sensible way to approach these games.

When more companies start with PS3 as the lead platform, we will see either identical or better games on the PS3.


 PS3 is the lead platform for GTA IV.

You got that reversed. The article even says its the 360 and all the preview pics are the 360 version


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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alephnull said:

@Squilliam MikeB is talking about large dense matrix multiplication with single precision floating point elements.

@FJ-Warez AA isn't magic. All the techniques boil down to blur filters.


I was looking for more games that use it rahter than an explanation, lol...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
HappySqurriel said:
MikeB said:
NJ5 said:
MikeB said:

but the SPEs will have a lot of processor time to spare.

Welcome to the reality of multi-core. Unlike with single-core, it's very hard/impossible to attain peak power usage when you're doing multi-core (for any complex application with lots of different serial workloads to process).

Can they use more later? Sure... Will there still be plenty of untapped CPU time? Most likely, yes.

Near peak performance is far harder/impossible to reach with other kinds of multi-core CPUs due to various design bottlenecks, the Cell has been designed specifcally to tackle such problems, the SPEs can produce results far more independtly and thus are able to yield superior efficiency like demonstrated by scientists in various test settings. The key is to write the game engine as asynchronous as possible to harvest the most potential.

Which is (essentially) the core of the problem, and the reason why we will never obtain good performance out of the Cell processor ...

When you are programming something that can be broken up into tons of tiny (and independant) processes like a web application developing an asynchronous application is easy because the completion of one process is not dependant on the completion of another process. A videogame is an implicitly syncronized problem being that there is a clear process flow which has to be completed in order, and if you split up a process that makes up the larger process flow each of these sub-processes has to be broken up (roughly) equally in order to prevent waste.

The Cell Processor is the round peg to the Game Engine's square hole.


+100!!! Awesome post.

Latency is hugely important when rendering in real time. A game rendered at 30fps only has about 3 miliseconds to render each frame.



Squilliam said:
Jordahn said:
FJ-Warez said:
TheRealMafoo said:


One thing you don't see in that screen shot, is the motion, the sound, the fact that if you turn left, you will see a building 300 yards off collapse into smoke. You don't see the 30 other extremely high detailed gunmen shooting at you, all at a higher resolution then anything Gears could think about.

Play the game, and then you will understand. I have both, and have finished both. Gears is not even in the same league graphically.


Both games feature a different kind of war, and as I said MGS4 looks better but not a lot better taken in account that GoW is just a 10 millions game vs a 70-80 millions game, I can´t see huge gap, and about the number of things happening, I will wait to GoW 2 to make a better judgement...


It's posts like these that really show fanboyism. You just take a piece of the pie while ignoring the big picture, the overall experience.

Except that this thread is all about what looks better, not whats the most fun or even technical stuff like which has the most impressive engine because those that are up to such a discussion would be drowned out by those who arent.

He has a point, you don't.


Actually I did have a point. I responded to the wrong post. It was just edited. Sorry about that.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.


@Squilliam That's some interesting arithemtic there. Which Algebraic Manifold are you operating on again?

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Jordahn said:
"MGS4 1024x768=786432 Pixels resolution Gears 1280x720=921600 Pixels resolution Gears of War runs in a higher resolution then MGS4 does." It's posts like these that really show fanboyism. You just take a piece of the pie while ignoring the big picture, the overall experience.

That was in response to a guy who said MGS4 runs at a higher resolution than Gears

So once again you dont have a point

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

FJ-Warez said:
alephnull said:

@Squilliam MikeB is talking about large dense matrix multiplication with single precision floating point elements.

@FJ-Warez AA isn't magic. All the techniques boil down to blur filters.


I was looking for more games that use it rahter than an explanation, lol...


See Aliasing. Anti-aliasing is a single or multiple method of removing the noticeable effects of aliasing. These days it often just is called FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing) and various manufacturers have their own way of performing anti-aliasing. Texture aliasing is reduced by the process of texture filtering but for edges and lines, the two most popular methods are:

  • Supersampling: there are various implementations of this method. One is where the graphics adapter renders the entire scene at an increased resolution into a non-visible buffer in the local memory. The adapter then samples this frame into the back buffer, and once complete it is flipped to the front buffer. Another method is to render several copies of the same frame over several passes, adjusting the geometry of each successive copy, and then sampling each stored frame into the back buffer. Both methods require lots of fill rate and memory bandwidth to be effective.
  • Multisampling: the DirectX version of this anti-aliasing method is similar to the OpenGL multi-sampling anti-aliasing, but the term is used in various ways by different companies. Although it is described as being an example of FSAA, multisampling only affects the edges of the polygons within a frame; no texture detail is affected (unlike supersampling). This is done by testing the frame before it is textured; each pixel is checked and those at a visible polygon edge are then sampled into a new buffer. Once complete, the frame is updated within the pass by blended all of the samples from the various buffers into the back buffer. Multisampling requires lots of memory bandwidth to be effective but since pixel colours and operations are only performed once, this method is not as dependent on fill rate.

There are several other methods too, which each one having its good and bad points.

Ok not what you want but you made me look and then I realized that isn't what you want.


Squilliam said:
FJ-Warez said:
alephnull said:

@Squilliam MikeB is talking about large dense matrix multiplication with single precision floating point elements.

@FJ-Warez AA isn't magic. All the techniques boil down to blur filters.


I was looking for more games that use it rahter than an explanation, lol...


Ok not what you want but you made me look and then I realized that isn't what you want.


Lol again, I know whaw FSAA and MSAA are but I was looking for more games that trends to use motion blur to hide the lack of use of some form of AA, so far I can recall DMC4... Thanks...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

@FJ-Warez Sorry misunderstanding. AA predates this decade in most PC games. Don't know about console games, there might not have been a point as you get free blur from a coax cable to a NTSC tv. I suspect most of the xbox and ps3 games all have some form of AA though, as I've noticed a dirge of voxel and nurb games lately.

MrMarc said:

As games get even better looking the PS3 is really going to struggle, it's GPU just cannot keep up with the 360's and we're in a generation where that is more important that any raw CPU power.

I honestly can't believe anymore it's down to development issues rather than just simple old technology constraints. Whenever I tell people that the PS3 cannot possibly be more technically capable than the 360, this is all the evidence I need, and there's still no proof showing otherwise.

In the end it's all down to the games.

The games don't show ANYTHING conclusively other than development issues...especially since PS3 exclusives are smokin'.   In my opinion, the small difference in GPUs doesn't counterbalance the better physics and AI capabilities, mandatory hard drive, and storage capacity of PS3.  Granted, it takes some effort to bring those first two differences out.  I usually buy console exclusives, though, and that's part of it.

I remember a developer saying early on that the systems would probably be about equivalent in terms of the "looks" of their graphical output, but that PS3 would end up being able to have more stuff going on onscreen at once.  I definitely think that things will turn out just about like that.

On another note: what site was doing 4-game on 4-game head-to-head comparisons...last I checked, PS3 was winning most of them.  CoD4 PS3 got the nod over CoD4 360, for instance, in part because online gameplay is smoother over the PSN.