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FJ-Warez said:
alephnull said:

@Squilliam MikeB is talking about large dense matrix multiplication with single precision floating point elements.

@FJ-Warez AA isn't magic. All the techniques boil down to blur filters.


I was looking for more games that use it rahter than an explanation, lol...


See Aliasing. Anti-aliasing is a single or multiple method of removing the noticeable effects of aliasing. These days it often just is called FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing) and various manufacturers have their own way of performing anti-aliasing. Texture aliasing is reduced by the process of texture filtering but for edges and lines, the two most popular methods are:

  • Supersampling: there are various implementations of this method. One is where the graphics adapter renders the entire scene at an increased resolution into a non-visible buffer in the local memory. The adapter then samples this frame into the back buffer, and once complete it is flipped to the front buffer. Another method is to render several copies of the same frame over several passes, adjusting the geometry of each successive copy, and then sampling each stored frame into the back buffer. Both methods require lots of fill rate and memory bandwidth to be effective.
  • Multisampling: the DirectX version of this anti-aliasing method is similar to the OpenGL multi-sampling anti-aliasing, but the term is used in various ways by different companies. Although it is described as being an example of FSAA, multisampling only affects the edges of the polygons within a frame; no texture detail is affected (unlike supersampling). This is done by testing the frame before it is textured; each pixel is checked and those at a visible polygon edge are then sampled into a new buffer. Once complete, the frame is updated within the pass by blended all of the samples from the various buffers into the back buffer. Multisampling requires lots of memory bandwidth to be effective but since pixel colours and operations are only performed once, this method is not as dependent on fill rate.

There are several other methods too, which each one having its good and bad points.

Ok not what you want but you made me look and then I realized that isn't what you want.
