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Forums - PC Discussion - how powerful is the 8800gtxm

can the 8800gtxm play games such as call of duty maxed out, and same goes for mass effect

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ive never heard of 8800gtxm,but i know that 8800gt can play crysis on very high

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

8800 gtxm is for laptops, it is the most expensive video card for laptops

i do not know if the 8800GTXm can run Crysis or ME on max'd settings, but I do know it is the best GPU for a laptop, so if you are trying to run those games on a laptop, then the 8800GTXm is your best bet

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PC: Diablo III, Fallout III, Stacraft 2, Spore, Empire: Total War, American McGee's Grimm

360: Madden 09, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Blood Bowl

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